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It is said, and we believe with truth, that in military life no officer is so severe and oppressive as he who has risen from the ranks, and been most obsequious there. We do not doubt it, for the principle is a strong one in human nature, and is by no means confined to either the army or navy. At all events,'shuffling, and cringing, and slinking Darby O'Drive presented himself to Val the Vulture.

"If it were anybody else now but old Gwynne," he muttered to himself, "things wouldn't be so mixed, but he never did have any horse sense and now has run us into this scrape and it's a bad one or I'm no judge." Then he glanced over his shoulder again. Manuelito was shuffling about the fire apparently doing nothing.

They are not cobs, and look 'very little of them', and have no beauty; but one of these little brutes, ungroomed, half-fed, seldom stabled, will carry a six-and-a-half-foot Dutchman sixty miles a day, day after day, at a shuffling easy canter, six miles an hour.

There was the sound of shuffling footsteps in the hall. She held up her finger cautiously. "Be very careful before Mr. Weatherley," she begged. "It is an ordinary burglary, this no more." The door was opened. Mr. Weatherley, in hasty and most unbecoming deshabille, bustled in. His scanty gray hair was sticking out in patches all over his head. He seemed, as yet, scarcely awake.

The rumble of voices and the shuffling of feet continued, indistinct but laden with tragedy. The curious hush of catastrophe seemed to top the confusion that infected the place, inside and out. Barnes found his electric pocket torch and dressed hurriedly, though not fully, by its constricted light.

Allard and William, shuffling into the recruiting office in Palos, doubtless think that this is a strange place for them to meet, and rather a wild business that they are embarked upon, among all these bloody Spaniards.

Your first official act will be to select a foreman and then to attempt to determine from the evidence as submitted the cause of death of the corpse over whom this inquest has been held. You will now retire." Shuffling forms faded through the door at the right.

Then he let his head fall again, but kept his eyes open, watching the pair stealthily. "Take the lady and gentlemen upstairs, Pierina, since they would like to see the place," said the mother. Other women had now drawn near, shuffling along with bare feet in old shoes; bands of children, too, were swarming around; little girls but half clad, amongst whom, no doubt, were Giacinta's four.

Then a sailor I thought he was Peters, but could not tell came shuffling down the companion stairs, his oilskins rustling, and pounded on the second mate's door. "All hands, Mr. Broussard!" There was a muffled response, and the Creole, buttoning his jacket as he passed, followed the other on deck.

"I will, too. I have humbled myself enough. And I will go." "Oh, my God! Oh, do go, then! I shall be delighted!" "Very well, we shall see." Nikitin mutters something to himself, and, stumbling over the chairs, goes out of the bedroom. Then sounds reach her from the entry of whispering, the shuffling of goloshes and a door being shut. Mari d'elle has taken offence in earnest and gone out.