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"Divil a word could I shpake, but I winked at him, and Captain Masham shtandin' by whips out a flask. "'Put that betune his teeth, says he. Whin I got it there, trust me fur not lettin' it go. An' the Sergeant-Major says to me: 'I have hopes of you, Kilquhanity, when you do be drinkin' loike that. "'A foine healthy corpse I am; an' a foine thirsty, healthy corpse I am, says I."

Ah was went pour l'amour de Père Honoré." "Damn yer lingo shpake English, I tell you." Antoine grinned and shook his head. "Wot yer givin' us about his Riverince, eh?" "Le Père Honoré, hein? Ah-h-h-rr, le bon Père Honoré! Attendez he tol' mah Ah was best non raconter mais, Ah raconte you, Shim " "Go ahead, Johnny Frog; let's hear."

An' it's mesilf that can shpake, havin' tin av me own, forby three that's dead an' gone, God rest their sowls! an' four that's married, an' the rest all doin' well fer thimsilves. Indade, it's mesilf that has the harrt fer the childer. You will be havin' childer av yer own," she added confidentially to the lawyer.

The meeting, after this exultant outburst, got slower and slower, and threatened to expire of inanition. Divil a mother's son could be got to shpake a single wurud. Some malevolent influence overhung the masses. His Rivirince sent down a messenger to me with the request that I would say a few wuruds. Declined, with thanks, as being no speaker.

"There's a doughboy sergeant out there, sir, as says he's ordered to take Dandy to the quartermaster's stables, an' I told him to go to blazes, an' whin he shtepped by me an' into the paddock an' began untyin' him, I told him he had a right to shpake to you furrst, an' he said he'd slap me into the gyard-house if I gave him any lip, and I turned the kay on him, sir, an' here it is.

A damned bad break that was, tho', an' I'll bet he's sorry for that same, tu. Mind how he kept on thravellin', widout comin' back tu shpake wid us?" He shook his head slowly, in sinister fashion, and stared at their troubled faces in turn. "See here; luk," he resumed solemnly, with lowered voice, "honest tu God, in me own mind I du believe he is th' man that done ut."

"Shure, 'tis somethin' kin in baste an' maid, you're manin' thin?" "Quite so, Madame." "Simple like, an' understandin' what Noah understood in that ark av his for talk to the bastes he must have, explainin' what was for thim to do." "Like that, Madame." "Thrue for you, sir, 'tis as you say. There's language more than tongue of man can shpake.

"'Tis few words ye do be shpakin' to annybody, but if y' have kind words to shpake and good things to say, y' naidn't be bitin' yer tongue," she added in response to his nod, and left him. Charley looked after her with a troubled face. On the instant it seemed to him that Mrs. Flynn knew all.

Yorke stepped warily to the side and covered the door with his weapon. A few tense moments passed, and then Slavin rapped again. Heavy footfalls now sounded, approaching the door from the inside, halted, and then, through the panels came Gully's hollow, booming bass: "Who's there?" "Shlavin of th' Mounted Police, Gully. Opin up! we wud shpake wid ye." "What do you want?

"Divil a word could I shpake, but I winked at him, and Captain Masham shtandin' by whips out a flask. "'Put that betune his teeth, says he. Whin I got it there, trust me fur not lettin' it go. An' the Sergeant-Major says to me: 'I have hopes of you, Kilquhanity, when you do be drinkin' loike that. "'A foine healthy corpse I am; an' a foine thirsty, healthy corpse I am, says I."