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You seem remarkably interested in my movements. 'Only wanted to see you about the House gym. team. You might shove up the list tonight. Haynes, Jarvis, and myself. 'Very well. 'I didn't say anything to him, said Vaughan to Dallas as they were going to their dormitories, 'but, you know, there's something jolly fishy about the Mutual. That door wasn't unlocked when we saw him outside.

We had brought a number of these articles for barter. Mr Griffiths ordered me to stand by the boats while he carried on the trade. As was my custom, I looked about in the hopes of seeing some English sailor of whom I might make inquiries about my brother Jack. When we had purchased as many pigs as the boats would carry, we prepared to shove off.

He missed him, however, and the pirate, with a spring, which the imminence of his danger would alone have enabled him to take, leaped into his boat, and as he did so, he exclaimed to his crew, who saw that something was wrong "Shove off, or we are dead men!" The pirates waited no further words to excite them to exertion, and a few strokes sent the boat clear off the brig's side.

"Leave 'em alone a bit don't shove yourself on 'em. Come away come home and have a cigar with me." "Thank you," said Cotherstone. "You wouldn't ask me to do that if you thought as they do. Thank you! But I've something to do and I'll go and do it at once."

Father and mother walked one on each side of Shelley, while with both hands she held her letters before her. When we reached the house we just talked about them all the time. Pretty soon the boys were back, and then they told about sending the telegram. Leon vowed he gave the operator a dime extra to start that message with a shove, so it would go faster.

Pompey and Dan started as soon as it was dark, carrying loads, which they intended to hide near where the canoe was drawn up. "We carry all de tings dere first," he said, "and den you, cappen, and mudder, and Tim, come along, and we shove off widout delay."

I'm ready," said Kennedy, taking out his revolver and examining it. McCloud put on his new hat and asked if he should take a gun. "You are really accompanying me as my guest, George," explained Whispering Smith reproachfully. "Won't it be fun to shove this man right under Du Sang's nose and make him bat his eyes?" he added to Kennedy.

It was fast; it broke the point of someone's knife. "Shove it in," said I, breathless with impatience; no no it yielded, and shortly afterwards, giving up all opposition, came quickly out. A tin pannikin was produced. With a gurgling sound out flowed the precious liquid. "Halloa!" said one; "it's not brandy, it's port wine." "Port wine!" cried another; "it smells more like rum."

Lawrence, the stranded icebergs, and the ice-foot, as it is called, which is continually forming along the freezing shores, grub and plough every tide into the mud and sand, and shove up before them, like a ploughshare, heaps of dirt; and that, too, the ice itself is full of dirt, of sand and stones, which it may have brought from hundreds of miles away; and that, as this ploughshare of dirty ice grubs onward, the nose of the plough is continually being broken off, and left underneath the mud; and that, when summer comes, and the ice melts, the mud falls back into the place where the ice had been, and covers up the gravel which was in the ice.

"Shove off and shut up!" retorted Barry and dug his paddle furiously into the river, careless of noise. They reached the brigantine without having raised a sound from the schooner; but they saw no more lights aboard her, and the chill dawn broke and found all hands busy while yet the skipper wrestled with his bewilderment.