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Go straight up to prexy's house; I've got something p'ticular to shay t' him. Shame, way the team sold out t'-day! Disgrace to old Winthrop! Have a good mind to leave the college myself an' go to Alden; they're men there! They know how to stan' up an' take their med'cine. Great place, Alden! Guess they'll be shorry here when they shee me with a great big A on my sweater!"

In his fury of sudden rage the strength of ten seemed to animate his slender body and pass into his blow. The sailor reeled back and put up his hands. He was a coward and even a brave man might have been daunted by that terrible white face and those blazing eyes. He backed down the path. "Shorry shorry," he muttered. "Didn't know she was your girl shorry I butted in.

Patting her on the head, he said, gently: "Don't feel bad, my darling; I ish shorry for you, but I wants to ax you anoder question." "What is it?" queried the maid, with a wondering look. "Will you answer it?" asked Hans Vanderbum, endeavoring to put on an arch, quizzical expression. "If it is in my power I instantly will. Pray, do not hesitate to ask me anything you choose."

"I'm shorry," he said, "to be thish con ... condish'n, gemmem, but y'see it's like this. A gemman said to me, y'see, 'Bert, 'e says ... thash my name ... Bert, called after Queen's 'usban' ... Gaw' bless 'er!... Alber' the Goo' they called 'im ... not me, oh, Lor' no!... thish gemmam, 'e says to me, 'Bert, 'e says, 'come an' 'ave one! an' so o' course I 'ad to 'ave one. Thash 'ow 'twas, see!

It was a statement made by the boer, after he had partaken of several glasses of the "smoke." "Ish ver shorry you go get the money for the two cameels," said he. "Mine two bruders and mine vrow's bruder stand chance to lose it now. Ish ver shorry for them, you know."

Shentlemans never butt in shorry shir shorry." He kept repeating his ridiculous "shorry" until he was out of the grove. Then he turned and ran stumblingly across the field. Roger did not follow; he went back to Isabel Temple's grave. The girl was lying across it; he thought she was unconscious.

Awfly shorry, old man, but I've f'nish'd th' whisky. The bo-o-ottle shempty, and I waved it upside down with an imbecile giggle. Laputa said something which I did not catch. Henriques laughed an ugly laugh. 'We had better make certain of him, he said. The two argued for a minute, and then Laputa seemed to prevail. The door was shut and the key, which I had left in the lock, turned on me.

Shorry to be in thish disgrashful state ... thish sad occas'n, gemmem. Very shorry! I thank you!" He turned to leave them, staggering towards the door. "I ain't been a good 'usban' to 'er," he went on, again making the jerking gesture over his shoulder with his thumb. "Thash a fac'. I ain't. But I 'pologise. I'm shorry! Can't say no more'n that, can I? Goo'-ni', gemmem!"

But Dick turned his white face to the rival claimants and said, getting the words out with difficulty: "Papa, I'm shorry. It is a shame. If I had the Shtone, I really would give it you, upon my word-an'-honour I would. But but, now I can't ever give it up to you. It'sh gone. Losht!" "Lost!" cried Marmaduke. "When, where? When do you last recollect seeing it? you must know!"