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But, my dears, we cann't let annybody else have 'm. Shorrt of his bein' drowned or killed, we must intrigue to keep the wretch to ourselves." "Oh, dear!" said Adela impatiently. "Well, and I didn't say to myself, ye little jealous thing!" retorted Mrs. Chump. "Indeed, ma'am, you are welcome to him." "And indeed, miss, I don't want 'm.

"Ye're nearer to ut now. 'Garls' is what they are, at all events. But don't you see, my dear your man, it isn't the real thing we want so much as a sort of a proud beginnin', shorrt of slappin' their faces. Think of dinner. Furrst soup; that prepares ye for what's comin'. Then fish, which is on the road to meat, dye see? we pepper 'em. Then joint, Mr. And there, Mr.

But, my dears, we cann't let annybody else have 'm. Shorrt of his bein' drowned or killed, we must intrigue to keep the wretch to ourselves." "Oh, dear!" said Adela impatiently. "Well, and I didn't say to myself, ye little jealous thing!" retorted Mrs. Chump. "Indeed, ma'am, you are welcome to him." "And indeed, miss, I don't want 'm.

Not enough to be fillin', and plenty to give us the scurrvy. May the divil dance on shorrt rations!" "No scurvy in this camp for a while yet," said the Colonel, throwing some heavy objects into a pan and washing them vigorously round and round. "Pitaties!" O'Flynn's eyes dwelt lovingly on the rare food. "Ye've hoarded 'em too long, man, they've sprouted."

"Ye're nearer to ut now. 'Garls' is what they are, at all events. But don't you see, my dear your man, it isn't the real thing we want so much as a sort of a proud beginnin', shorrt of slappin' their faces. Think of dinner. Furrst soup; that prepares ye for what's comin'. Then fish, which is on the road to meat, dye see? we pepper 'em. Then joint, Mr. And there, Mr.