United States or Mayotte ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He yelled and shouted to the driver to stop, and so did the crowds along the street, for they could see his legs spinning along under the coach, and his head and shoulders bobbing inside through the windows, and he was in awful danger; but the more they all shouted the more the nigger whooped and yelled and lashed the horses and shouted, "Don't you fret, I'se gwine to git you dah in time, boss; I's gwine to do it, sho'!" for you see he thought they were all hurrying him up, and, of course, he couldn't hear anything for the racket he was making.

Truly 'tis a wonderful country. See yon pasture, Zachariah, with the cows and calves, a good score of them. And have you, by the way, noticed what a glorious day it is? This is life!" "Yas, suh, Marse Kenneth, Ah done notice dat, an' Ah done notice somefin ailse. Ah done notice dem buzzards flyin' low over yan way. Dat means death, Marse Kenneth. Somefin sho' am daid over yan way."

"Yes sah, Miss Nurse, Mandy say dat gal jest throwin' herself 'round de room an' screechin', an' Mandy grab her jest as she 'bout to jump out de winder. She won't say nothin' but how she's burnin' up an' Mandy she send Jake to me quick. I sho don' want to wake Dr.

"Hole on yere a minute, boy! Lemme tek' nuther look at dat thing." He took it, then burst forth with a volley of derisive chuckling. "Huh, huh, well ef dat ain't de beatenes' part of it all!" wheezed Daddy Hannah. "Red Hoss, you sho' muster been in one big hurry to git away f'um dat spot whar you kilt your rabbit and ketched your charm. Looky yere at dis yere shank j'int!

Put them out there on the table." The invalid, sitting up in bed, drew a purse from behind his pillow and tossed her a large price. She tittered, courtesied and received the money. "Well, well, Mawse Chawlie, 'f you ain' de funni'st gen'leman I knows, to be sho!" "Have you seen Joseph Frowenfeld to-day?" he asked. "He, he, he!

He had burned the bridges behind him and was lying glibly. Why bring Bromfield into it? She was going to marry him in a few days. If her fiancé was man enough to come forward and tell the truth he would do so anyhow. It was up to him. Clay was not going to betray him to Beatrice. "The paper says there was some one with you." "Sho! Reporters sure enough have lively imaginations."

Then there was another consideration which weighed heavily with her. In her room were the memorials of an early affection and the disappointment of a life. "Mr. Fenton," she said, looking up "Jest call me Jim." "Well, Jim " and Miss Butterworth smiled through tearful eyes "I must tell you that I was once engaged to be married." "Sho! You don't say!" "Yes, and I had everything ready."

If there's a promotion in camp they want it; 'n' when they ain't out a-drillin' their companies they're sho' to be in camp 'sputin' with other rigiments as to how to do it. Good, hones' fighters, tho', and tort me how to use my side arms in a tight place. Scatterin' in some localities, but like the Baptises, whenever you find a mill-dam there'll be their camp an' plenty o' corn.

Then you can show them to him as a proof of what a true and good girl I have been." Hanz viewed this act of kindness on the part of Mattie with an air of surprise and astonishment. It was in such beautiful contrast to her father's rudeness and severity that he was at a loss how to account for it. "Vel, vel!" exclaimed Hanz, raising his hands, "you pees sho goot a gal as I ever did she.

"She sho' don't look more'n dat," Claude gallantly assured them, as he departed. "I'll be twenty-four on my next birthday," Julia said thoughtfully, a few moments later. "Well, at that, you may live three or four years more!" Jim consoled her. "Do you know what time it is, Loveliness? It's twenty minutes past six. We've been married exactly two hours and twenty minutes. How do you like it?"