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"We have a VIP guest, Ms. Corina Losinj of Irschcha. Ranger Medart wants her assigned a cabin near his. What's available?" "There is one next to his," the ship-comp replied. "3N-2-1-8 is free." "Great! Take us there, will you?" "Affirmative. Is there anything else?" "No, thanks." "Chang out." The shuttle began to move, and Sunbeam turned to Corina.

He could call in assistance, but that was something field agents were, as an occupational characteristic, disinclined to do unless there was no other way to get the job done which, at this point, was not the case. Nevan spent the first two days of his flight to Nippon-Ni studying everything the Last Resort's ship-comp had available about that planet.

"Formal voiceprint confirmation for Empire Net ident and security input. This is Ranger James Kieran Medart, ident code RJT-6743-5197." There was a brief pause, then the ship-comp said, "Voiceprint confirmed. Awaiting input." "Change ident code ISCCJ-1643-2048 to RCJ-1643-2048.

There was a barely-noticeable pause, then the ship-comp said, "Done, Ranger," as one of the three bridge doors slid open. Tarlac left the silent control room and entered the intraship shuttle that was waiting for him. With the ship at General Quarters, the Ranger found the personnel lock deserted. That was fine with him.

"Scan records for healing as an aspect of ESP, report on verified incidents." "Insufficient data to verify any given incident," the ship-comp reported after several seconds. "Most data are religious in origin, rather than scientific. Not subject to positive verification." "Thank you. No further information required." Medart looked at the smaller Ranger.