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"Let go that knife!" The sheriff spoke the last word almost in a scream, and he beat Wambush's knuckles so furiously that the knife fell to the ground. He then pinned Toot's legs to the earth with his knees, and held the knife up to a man in the crowd. "Keep it jest like it is fur evidence," he panted. "Don't shet it up or tetch the blade." Disarmed, Wambush seemed suddenly overcome with fear.

"Then," said he in conclusion, as he lifted the gun to his shoulder and squinted along the barrel, "of course you know all the rest. Jest shet one eye, an' git the bead on him fair, an' let him have it a leetle back of the fore-shoulder, fer choice! An' that b'ar ain't agoin' to worry about no more pork, nor garden sass. An' recollect, Mrs.

I hope I am well enough known here to render it certain that if I once begin proceedings nothing but success or my death or the end of the world can stop them. "Backwoods Philosopher. "It don't look so ludikerous as it did, does it, Bill?" squeaked Jim West, as he read the notice over Bill's shoulder. "Shet your mouth, you fool!" said Bill. "Don't you never peep.

I disremember what, but, any way, one word fired another until they was cussin' Giles Rae up hill and down dale, and instead of keepin' his head shet like he had ought to have done, he was prophesyin' curses, desolations, famines, and pestilences on 'em all, and callin' 'em enemies of Christ. He was sassy I can't deny that and that's where he wa'n't wise.

Standin' on the stoop, I could hear the tall clock tickin' solemnly inside "tick-tock, tick-tock," jest as plain as if I wuz settin' aside uv it. The door wuz shet, yet I knew jest what Bill wuz doin'; he was settin' in the old red easy-chair, lookin' down at the floor like this.

Git up quick, an' do whut I tells you. I'se gwineteh he'p you 'scape to Marse Abner, dis berry hour. He's waitin' fur you on his nag down to de bars at de eend ob de leetle woods pastur', an' he'll tek you straight to de preachah's house, an' you kin be married right off." "But, mammy," began Betsy. "Shet up, chile, an' do ez I says.

"That's the very chair he was sittin' in, when Luke Jones come in with the word that men were needed. He started right off with Luke soon as he could get into his oil-skins, for 'twas stormin' to beat the band. But he didn't go fur. Almost no time it seemed like, he was comin' into the house agin, and he went into that bedroom there, and shet the door behind him.

We tried all manner o' gimcracks an' fussin' with her. Finally says Jim my man say she: 'Perhaps she's the Sacred Cow, says he, laffin', an' went in an' got a hymn-book an' sot it up afore her, and" Belle O'Neill shivered "what does the old cow do but pitch in and eat her mess regalar! Minit we took that hymn-book away or shet it up, she'd stop eatin'."

"And I sure hate to put up anything that looks kind of religious, but these days I don't trust nobody but meself, and I sure have a hard time doin' that, knowin' how crooked I could be if I tried." He gathered up the reins and mounted Pill. "Come on, Chance!" he called. "We don't need any rooster-police to-day. Jimmy's in there talkin' to his hens, and like as not cussin' because I shet him up.

There was a pause. They were all listening. Then she went on. "Somehow ter-day I felt like I use ter of er Sat'-day then, kinder spectin' 'n' light-hearted. I dun'no' why; I ain't never felt so befo' in all these years sence he died forty-one on 'em; 'n' fifteen sence th' Lord shet down th' dark over my eyes, day 'n' night erlike.