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They were out in the open, compelled to take whatever weather came to them, rain or shine, hot or cold, sleet or snow, and ready when the sunset hour came, to eat with relish and appetite sauce, the rude and plain victuals placed upon the table. Compare the lives of that class of men with the later generation of "capitalists." I know one who used to live at Sherry's in New York.

Banneker walked uptown, through dimmed streets humming with the harmonic echoes of the city's never-ending life, faint and delicate. He stopped at Sherry's, and at a small table in the side room sat down with a bottle of ale, a cigarette, and some stationery. When he rose, it was to mail a letter.

Dig out the brandy bottle from the cupboard there in the corner, and then kindly brush my hair and straighten up the chairs a bit. You might even toss a stick on the fire. That potato sack you may care to keep as a souvenir." "Be quiet, now! Remember, you are my prisoner, Mr. Armitage." "I am, I am! But I will wager ten courses at Sherry's the Baron will be glad to let me off."

"Your wife is at home?" said I. If one was at home in the evening, the other was also, and both were always there, unless they were at some theater except on Sunday night, when they dined at Sherry's, because many fashionable people did it. They had no friends and few acquaintances.

There was no question, this time, of a wedding in St. Bartholomew's Church, with twelve bridesmaids and a breakfast at Sherry's; no wonderful jewels, no press notices, almost no trousseau.

When we had been for about an hour and a half in the big shop, we'd finished all we had to do there, and must motor to another farther up, before meeting Mr. Parker, who was to give us lunch at a place called Sherry's, at one o'clock.

Susan is pining to see her beloved Charmian. Can't you both lunch with us at Sherry's to-morrow at one o'clock? Love to Charmian. Yours very sincerely, ADELAIDE SHIFFNEY." "Well?" said Claude, as Charmian sat without speaking, after she had finished the letter. "Shall we go to Sherry's to-morrow?" He spoke as if he were testing her, but she did not seem to notice it.

She lunched with him at his downtown club, dined with him at Sherry's, met him at The Retreat and was driven back home in his car, sometimes with Archie Densmore for a third, not infrequently alone. Considerate hostesses seated them next each other at dinners: it was deemed an evidence of being "in the know" thus to accommodate them.

My aunt did for me just what she did for her own daughters a dance at Sherry's, and dinners ! Paul, I'd give a year of my life just to drive down the Avenue again on a spring afternoon, and bow to every one, and have tea somewhere, and smell the park oh, did you ever smell Central Park in the spring?" Both were silent. After a long pause Paul said: "Why DO you stay?

"By all but breaking myself." "It's worth whatever it cost. If I had a dress suit, we'd go to Sherry's or the Waldorf. I'm willing to go, without the dress suit." "No. I've got everything ready for dinner at home." "Then, why on earth did you dress? To give me a treat?" "Oh, I hate to go out in a dress I've never worn. And a woman has to wear a hat a good many times before she knows how."