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"Everybody is well, thank you," primly replied Austin; for he was always a little afraid of his sharp-spoken grandmother. "Papa thought he could get along without me for a while, so I am looking for work. Do you know where I could find Wilbur? Perhaps he could help me get something right away." "Will is in town somewhere; I see little of him.

He then urged the adoption of the only middle course, non-importation, but he had not much hope in this expedient, although an honest desire is evident that it may prove effectual. When the assembly met in May, they received the new governor, Lord Botetourt, with much cordiality, and then fell to passing spirited and sharp-spoken resolutions declaring their own rights and defending Massachusetts.

The conference in Falkland's rooms was chiefly a monologue with the sharp-spoken New York lawyer in the speaking part. When it was concluded the judge took his leave abruptly, pleading the lateness of the hour and his duties for the morrow. When he was gone the New Yorker began again. "You won't want to be known in this, I take it," he said, nodding at the governor. "Mr.

Two minutes afterwards he begged my pardon for those sharp-spoken words. "It was not THEE that spoke, John," I said. "No, you are right, it was not I. It was a sort of devil that lodges here:" he touched his breast. "The chamber he lives in is at times a burning hell." He spoke in a low tone of great anguish. What could I answer? Nothing. We stood at the window, looking idly out.

He disappeared into the shadows where he was greeted with a sort of pæan of joy. Then silence. Then a few sharp-spoken words. Then silence again. Wilson, scarcely believing this was not some evil dream, gripped Stubbs' arm. "Come," he gasped. "Let's get out. This this is hell." He took the half-swooning girl in his arms. "Get a grip on yourself, Jo just for a little. We must go at once."

But as the fly in his ointment of jovial irresponsibility was his wife, Lenerengo the prize shrew of Somo, who was as lean about the middle and all the rest of her as her husband was rotund; who was as remarkably sharp-spoken as he was soft-spoken; who was as ceaselessly energetic as he was unceasingly idle; and who had been born with a taste for the world as sour in her mouth as it was sweet in his.

But she saw him not, nor noted him; and none deemed it strange that he looked long on the Bride, the treasure of Burgstead. But for some while Folk-might was few-spoken and sharp-spoken amongst the chieftains; for he was slow to master his longing and his wrath.

He must take them of his mamma, for our young gentlemen always had lovely eyes." "I'm sure he doesn't get ugly eyes from mother," I said indignantly. "Mother has beautiful eyes, and Tom has nice eyes too. They're not weak." "Deary me, deary me," exclaimed Mrs. Partridge, "what a very sharp-spoken young lady! I'm sure no offence was meant, only I was sorry to see little master's eyes so red.

One day the captain and the doctor were gone till night up across the high land where the town had seemed to be, and they came back at night beat out and white as ashes, and wrote and wrote all next day in their notebooks, and whispered together full of excitement, and they were sharp-spoken with the men when they offered to ask any questions.

Chuffy sharp-spoken gent as he always was, blest if he didn't say quite soft to me, with the big tears a-standing in his eyes: `It's all over, Bodger, my man, he says, `and you may have the poor boy's boat, for I know if he could speak now he would say, "Give it to poor old Tom."" "Poor old uncle!" said Aleck, huskily. "Then you're cheated again, Tom, and have lost your boat?"