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A store of bait had been accumulated, split and halved into chunks for the shark-hooks, and Wilbur, baiting one of the huge lines that had been brought up on deck the evening before, flung it overboard, and watched the glimmer of the white fish-meat turning to a silvery green as it sank down among the kelp.

The deck-tubs were emptied into the hogsheads and vats that stood in the waist of the "Bertha," the tubs scoured, and the lines and bent shark-hooks overhauled.

We won't have much trouble in catchin' as many o' 'em as we want." "A doan b'lieve, Massa Brace, we hab got nebba such a ting as a shark-hook 'board de Cat'maran." "Don't make yourself uneasy 'bout that," rejoined the sailor, in a confident tone. "Shark-hook be blowed! I see somethin' up yonder worth a score o' shark-hooks. The brutes be as tame as turtles turned on their backs.

We set traps for them on the ice, and also large shark-hooks, secured with chains and baited with meat; but the former they entered and destroyed, and the latter was always found broken or bent, without securing the depredators.

I got the canoe ready, and went down in it to Georgetown, where, having put in the necessary articles for the expedition, not forgetting a couple of large shark-hooks with chains attached to them, and a coil of strong new rope, I hoisted a little sail which I had got made on purpose, and at six o'clock in the morning shaped our course for the River Essequibo.