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When Lord Derby formed his Government in 1866, on the defeat of Lord Russell's second Reform Bill, he endeavoured to obtain the sanction of Lord Shaftesbury's name and authority by offering him a seat in his Cabinet. This offer was promptly declined; had it been accepted, it might have had an important bearing on the following event, which was narrated to me by Lord Shaftesbury in 1882.

The draught of an association, it is true, against Popery and the duke, was found in Shaftesbury's cabinet; and dangerous inferences might be drawn from many clauses of that paper. But it did not appear, that it had been framed by Shaftesbury, or so much as approved by him.

Gladstone The jubilee of the Repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts 'Punch' on the 'Golden Wedding' Death The Queen's letter Lord Shaftesbury's estimate of Lord John's career His great qualities. PEACE with honour a phrase which Lord John used long before Lord Beaconsfield made it famous sums up the settled tranquillity and simple dignity of the life at Pembroke Lodge.

A careful examination of Shaftesbury's writings can hardly fail to lead us to the same conclusion. He writes, indeed, as an easy, well-bred man of the world, and was no doubt perfectly sincere in his constantly repeated disavowal of any wish to disturb the existing state of things.

I felt a good deal fluttered; but the Duchess of Sutherland, who knew the British lion better than I did, seemed so perfectly collected that I became reassured. The character of the speeches at this meeting, with the exception of Lord Shaftesbury's, was more denunciatory, and had more to pain the national feelings of an American, than any I had ever attended.

A panegyric on the return of the Duke and Duchess of York from Scotland says of Shaftesbury's medal that 'Twas coined by stealth, like groats at Birmingham. For Birmingham = Whig we have Old Jemmy, an Excellent New Ballad: Let Whig and Bromingham repine, They show their teeth in vain; The glory of the British line, Old Jemmy's come again.

As a result of the conference three hundred thieves went abroad to Canada to begin life anew, or were put into the way of earning an honest living. One of the subjects which occupied a great deal of Lord Shaftesbury's attention was the condition of the young in coal mines and factories.

It was seen as vividly at even a later time in the instant ruin of Shaftesbury's popularity from the moment when he was believed to be plotting the renewal of civil war. But if the Monarchy was strengthened by its association with the tradition of constitutional freedom it was henceforth inseparably bound to the freedom which strengthened it.

Nevertheless, the new era opened, not merely with a flourish of trumpets, but with notable work in the realm of practical statesmanship. Fowell Buxton took up the work of Wilberforce on behalf of the desolate and oppressed, and lived to bring about the abolition of slavery; whilst Shaftesbury's charity began at home with the neglected factory children.

I had thought that once my Lord Shaftesbury was gone abroad, one of two things would happen either that the whole movement would collapse, or that the leaders would be arrested forthwith. But Mr. Chiffinch was sharper than I this time; and said No to both. "No," said he, sitting like a Judge, with his fingers together, on the morning after my Lord Shaftesbury's evasion.