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"No, father; only one. The other's a friend of his, I think." "What, that rather shady-looking individual?" "No, father, the Professor Professor Barclay. He dined at the Doctor's the other night." "Oh," said the Colonel. "Well, I don't wish to be too exclusive; but somehow I never care for strangers who are so very eager to make friends."

One pair of spectacles, one wig, one set of curiosities to sell do I look like a second-hand dealer in odd lots, or do I not, Mr. Mark Strong?" I had never seen such an utter change in any man made with such little show. The Perfect Fool was no longer before me; there was in his place a lounging, shady-looking, greed-haunted Hebrew.

There's a shady-looking spot over in those cottonwoods and I'll just rest there till I'm able to hobble back to the Soria place. You can send for me there." "There's a trail just above here that goes over and strikes the one we came on about eight miles from Athens," said Scott, doubtfully. "I've never traveled it, but Gomez told me about it last year. Rough, he said, but navigable.

There had been no one to see her except a man down from London, a shady-looking doctor nameless, of course. And then this result. The farmer and his wife, highly respectable people, were incensed. They were for turning the girl out. 'Oh! but 'Yes. Pitiless some of these people are! Although she had forfeited all claim still she was a daughter of Sir Hervey Levering.

He fumbled in the pockets in the breast of his gown, and presently produced a few shady-looking red and white sugar sweetmeats, bullet-like in shape and hardness. "It is all I have now, my children," said the old man. "I picked them up yesterday at a wedding, to give them to a poor little girl who was ill. But she was dead when I got there, so you may have them."

But Zachary Spurge, leading him in and out of the throngs on the wharves, now taking a look into a dock, now inspecting a quay, now stopping to exchange a word or two with taciturn gentlemen who sucked their pipes at the corners of narrow streets, now going into shady-looking public houses by one door and coming out at another, seemed to be remarkably well satisfied with his doings and kept remarking to his companion that they would hear something yet.