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"What is the matter with you, Nan Sherwood?" complained Bess, from her bed. "Oh, what is it? Nan!" shrieked Grace, sitting straight up in bed and evidently expecting that the very worst had happened. "It's morning, you lazy things," whispered Nan. "Sh! Get up and see the most wonderful sight you ever did see."

Their failure to be there when the landing took place seemed to point to the conclusion that they must have failed to keep track of the craft after receiving the notification from the allies across the river. The faintest possible "'Sh!" from the Mohawk apprised his companions that danger was close, and all came to an instant halt.

Little Betsinda came in to put Gruffanuff's hair in papers; and the Countess was so pleased, that, for a wonder, she complimented Betsinda. "Betsinda!" she said, "you dressed my hair very nicely today; I promised you a little present. Here are five sh no, here is a pretty little ring, that I picked that I have had some time." And she gave Betsinda the ring she had picked up in the court.

Out of their nests started the children to see Florence standing over another nest in a trellis, in which was a family of little baby wrens, opening their small beaks and clamoring to be fed. "Sh! Sh!" Dimple said, softly. "Don't let's scare them, poor little things. See, there is the mother bird. She is distressed because we have found her babies.

Mickey replied that he had a general idea of his meaning, and he might as well go ahead with the circus. Fred had caught the whispered conversation, and, of course, knew what it meant. As Mickey turned round to see where he was, he found him at his elbow. "Sh! Come ahead, now.

Rayne's door to ascertain how he had passed the night, but as she reached it, she met Aunt Jean coming out, with her forefinger on her lip, and whispering "Sh sh " in such premature warning, that Honor looked bewildered as she enquired the cause. "He is sleeping nicely now, run off, we must not disturb him, it is such a natural little sleep," Madame d'Alberg said in a low voice. "Oh, is that it?"

"Then you are better than people say." "Sh sh !" the woman cried, pointing to Shyuote, "you need not speak thus. Sa uishe," she turned to the boy, "go to rest." "I won't!" growled the disobedient child, "I want to hear what you say." "That is just what you shall not," commanded the woman. "Go out at once. Lie down on the hides."

I was good enough for the girl I loved, But her kin were prouder than she!" There was a depth of bitterness in the words the listeners started involuntarily. "What's taken him all at once? Never heard him sing that way before!" "Sh! Listen!" The singer glanced down at the water, took a few strokes out, and went on: "My home is where the rapids roar, Below the river's brink.

He was peering through the little front window. A huge smile beamed in his face. With a chuckle, he called his visitor to the window. "Sh! Don't let 'er see the curtain move! She'd take our 'eads off. See that chap? That's why she's been so long to market."

"Kate!" he said, gauging his voice carefully so that it could not possibly travel to the ranch house, which all the while he carefully scanned. For answer the front door of the shanty squeaked. "Back!" he called. "Go back!" The door squeaked again. "They're asleep in the ranch house," she said. "Aren't we safe?" "S sh!" he warned. "Talk low! They aren't all asleep.