United States or Equatorial Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Ideas were always popping up in the midst of his work, and never giving him rest till he had noted them down on memo.-papers. He carried about, on the backs of envelopes, such notes as these: Join country clb take R dances there? Basket of fruit for R Invite Mason W lunch Orgnze Tcar tour NY to SF Newspaper men on tour probly Forbes Rem Walter's new altitude 16,954 R to Astor Roof Rem country c

From this we see that the angle through which the crank travels during the time the air valve is open is equal to the obtuse angle ABC. Now, as the side shaft S revolves at half the speed of crank, it is obvious that the former will travel through only half that angle in the same space of time, i.e., through an angle equal to ABD. We can now transfer this angle on to S, fig. 29, and draw two lines SE, SF, cutting a circle GHJ, representing the back of the cam, which latter passes in front of the roller R without causing any movement of the lever L.

The invention was a success, the device being, indeed, similar to that of the modern district messenger box; but it was soon noticed that, in spite of the regularity of the report, "Sf" could not be raised even if a train message were sent immediately after. Detection and a reprimand came in due course, but were not taken very seriously.