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"The sunshine and roses would make a new girl of her in a few weeks." "Could she ride so far in an automobile?" asked Beth, doubtfully. "Why not? The fresh air would be just the thing for her. You'll get a big touring car, won't you, Uncle John?" "I've bought one already a seven-seated 'Autocrat' and there will be plenty of room in it for Myrtle," he said. "Good gracious!

I have a big seven-seated car at Wellsburg, and that machine, together with this one, carries my men from place to place. We made arrangements to play Wellsburg to-day and to-morrow. We were to have a guarantee of three hundred dollars and sixty per cent. of the gate receipts. When we gut into Wellsburg last night we found that the team had disbanded and the manager skipped out.

A seven-seated passenger car was coming down the road and in the distance could be seen the approaching trolley. "Got to run after all," she cried. "That's what I get for making love to a tree." She flew along the path by the fence and reached the small station before the trolley slowed down for the stop.

"Peggy" was short for "Pegasus," and was what Billy always called her luxurious, seven-seated touring car. "I simply won't call it 'automobile," she had declared when she bought it. "In the first place, it takes too long to say it, and in the second place, I don't want to add one more to the nineteen different ways to pronounce it that I hear all around me every day now.