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"You know very well it is my people that will never be friendly with you," she replied. "How can I be?" They were passing a lawn settee. He sat down. She would not follow. She stood in a sort of protest at his side, but he did not release her hand. "I'll tell you how you can be," he returned. "Make me one of your people." "That never can be," she declared stubbornly. "You know it as well as I do.

Oleron sat down on a hardwood settee with a perforated seat, drank half his brandy, and then, thinking he might as well drink it as spill it, finished it. Then he fell to wondering which of the men whose voices he heard across the public-house would undertake the removal of his effects on the morrow. In the meantime he ordered more brandy.

Finally, Jimmie got sorry for him, and went and tried to pick him up. But he was laughing so, he dropped him. "Oh, Jimmie," I pleaded. "Don't drop anybody who is seasick. Drop well people if you must. But put him on the settee carefully." "I'll put him there," said Jimmie, wiping his eyes on his coat-sleeve. "But I don't say I'll do it the first time I try.

There was a small table in the centre of the room with a settee and two or three chairs arranged close to it.

"Yes", she whispered, her large form towering above Frankl's, yet awe of him widening her eyes. "What's your name?" said he. "My name is Rachel Oppenheimer", said she. "All right: come up and dress". She followed him up to a back room, where was a lamp, a glass, etc., and on an old settee evening-dress complete, shoes, roses, head- wrap.

After one glance at the awful scene she sank, half fainting, on a settee near the door. When the desire for plunder got the better of their fiendish cruelty, one of the gang threw a noosed rope over Mr. Reynolds's head, and then they hanged him to the trammel or iron hook in the great chimney. "You can't smoke us out this time," they shouted.

I thought you disliked me. And it hurt me so much. Do you know, I used to cry about it sometimes. I wanted you to be my friend." He walked over to her settee. "Noreen, dear, I wanted to be your friend and you to be mine," he said, looking down at her. "I liked you so much. At least, I thought I liked you." "And and don't you?" she asked, looking up at him. He knelt beside her.

You and I can go off to Santa Clausville by ourselves and have quite as good a time, if not better, than if he were along with us. I've noticed one thing, my dear Lefty, two's best anyhow. "Two people in an omnibus Where there's but one settee, Can both be seated with less fuss Than if the twain were three.

I resumed my armchair or my settee, leaving the man there like a sort of messenger, whom it was not necessary to treat with any respect. He was bold, and asked me for a definite answer which he could take back to his Majesty.

Having given order for a meal to be prepared and served on deck at seven-thirty, Carlyle rejoined Ardita, and, sinking back into his settee, half closed his eyes and fell into a state of profound abstraction. Ardita scrutinized him carefully and classed him immedialely as a romantic figure.