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Now the scene of the festivities was enlivened by four huge set-pieces of fireworks, each with a bell-shaped base in which a man could ensconce himself to the waist.

"We were expecting you," came from behind the screen on the left. "Good evening, ladies; what can I do for you?" "It is not a play," observed my aunt, modestly drawing together her sea-weed draperies. "How behind the age you are, to think that any one plays set-pieces nowadays.

"We were expecting you," came from behind the screen on the left. "Good evening, ladies; what can I do for you?" "It is not a play," observed my aunt, modestly drawing together her sea- weed draperies. "How behind the age you are, to think that any one plays set-pieces nowadays.

He missed the appliances of the stage: the coloured lights, the transparent scenes, the descending gauzes, and cleverly combined set-pieces. He would not go back to Drury Lane, however; as to that he was fully determined. He would not toil for ungrateful managers, or paint backgrounds merely to supplement and enrich the exertions of the actors.

"We were expecting you," came from behind the screen on the left. "Good evening, ladies; what can I do for you?" "It is not a play," observed my aunt, modestly drawing together her sea-weed draperies. "How behind the age you are, to think that any one plays set-pieces nowadays.

An arrangement of set-pieces cut in pasteboard represented the objects in the middle distance: the cupolas of Greenwich Hospital, the groups of trees in the park, the towns of Greenwich and Deptford, and the shipping in the Pool; due regard being had to size and colour, so that the laws of perspective in distance and atmosphere might not be outraged; the immediate foreground being constructed of cork broken into rugged and picturesque forms, and covered with minute mosses and lichens, 'producing, says a critic of the period, 'a captivating effect amounting indeed to reality.