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Pathfinder, though a man of peculiar habits and opinions, was always thoughtful, and disposed to view the things around him with a shade of philosophy, as well as with seriousness. In him, therefore, the scene in the blockhouse awakened no very novel feelings.

The officer in command shrank from responsibility; and, notwithstanding the seriousness of the consequences, Caesar said that the officer was right. Metellus Scipio had not arrived with the Syrian legions. Scipio had come leisurely through Asia Minor, plundering cities and temples and flaying the people with requisitions.

'The soul is its own place and can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven. Let the people who wish to build themselves lordly treasure-houses do so, if they can afford it, but let us not degrade our ideals by envying them." The conversation had drifted into seriousness.

The immemorial note of mirth broke out at her seriousness. "One of these days." She wondered, wholly unperturbed by his laughter. "Then where will Sir Claude be?" "He'll have left her of course." "Does he really intend to do that?" "You've every opportunity to ask him." Maisie shook her head with decision. "He won't do it. Not first." Her "first" made the Captain laugh out again.

Their first impulse had been towards an outburst of laughter, but even before he produced his letter a certain truthful seriousness in his look had startled them. When he laid the envelope down each man caught his breath. It could not be denied that Jem Belter turned pale with emotion. Jem had never been one of the lucky ones.

But among Steele's gay companions the book had little effect except to make them laugh at him and draw comparisons between the lightness of his words and actions, and the seriousness of the ideas set forth in his Christian Hero.

"The modern American child is a horror," said Juliet, unconsciously quoting from an article in a recent magazine. "They're ill bred and they don't mind, and there's nobody who wants to make 'em mind except people who have no authority to do it." "Why is it?" inquired Allison, secretly amused. "Because spanking has gone out of fashion," she answered, in all seriousness.

He would almost have welcomed one of those brutal outbursts which set his teeth on edge by their very ugliness. He did not know how to treat this new dignity. "I would like to tell you just what happened," he began, with a seriousness that matched her own. "Elizabeth had made up her mind not to marry David Richie. They had had some falling out, I believe.

"You can count on us," declared Benson, earnestly, "as though every one of us were sworn into the service and had a record of being tried and tested!" In an instant after speaking the submarine boy realized that this must have had a boastful sound. So he added, quickly: "Please don't suspect me, Major, of being a braggart. But Hal, Eph and I have always taken our work with seriousness.

He was of the crueller intent because he had not known how much of personal vanity there was in the seriousness with which he took himself and his work.