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As I proceeded with my recital his excitement grew apace, and he leaned forward in his eagerness to miss not a word. At the finish he started to his feet, and, catching hold of my arm, exclaimed: "'What! You tell me they will burn down their very home? "I nodded assent. "'Then must we start in all haste for Sengali, he continued, excitedly. 'To-night, now, or it may be too late.

"To cover this well-deserved rebuke, the munshi clapped his hands and bade the servant who responded to the summons to bring sherbet for our refreshment. After the cooling draught, and when we were all comfortably settled, the stranger, whose name had not yet been spoken, turned to me and said: "'Now perhaps you will give me the news from Sengali.

He said that he had heard I was recently arrived from Sengali. He had friends in that village, and would be glad to hear of them. "I told him that for the present I was occupied with pressing business, but a little later I would be at his disposal, and pleased to give him any information in my power.

Of course, with Sheikh Ahmed alive, there would be no need to use force for Baji Lal's rescue. But safeguarded on the way, we should be all the quicker in reaching our destination. "It was toward noon on the fourth day from Punderpur for there were now no inquiries to delay me that we came in sight of the village of Sengali.