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As a farther illustration of Bunyan's sentiments on this subject, we give the following letter to the church at Braintree: 'The church of Christ in and about Bedford, to the church of Christ in and about Braintree, sendeth greeting, Grace be with you all. Written by the appointment of the church here, and subscribed, in her name, by your brethren, as followeth: John Bunyan Sam. Fenn. Oliver Stot.

Be thou ashamed therefore, slothful and discontented servant, for they are found readier unto perdition than thou unto life. They rejoice more heartily in vanity than thou in the truth. Sometimes, indeed, they are disappointed of their hope, but my promise faileth no man, nor sendeth away empty him who trusteth in Me.

Replied the Shaykh, "O my son, this is the Supreme Lord, upon whom none may look in this world. He seeth and is not seen. He is the Most High of aspect and is present everywhere in His works. He it is who maketh all the made and ordereth time to vade and fade; He is the Creator of men and Jinn and sendeth the Prophets to guide His creatures into the way of right.

That "God sendeth rain upon the just and unjust," should be sufficient to convince us that our success in life, does not depend upon our religious character, but that the physical laws governing all earthly and temporary affairs, benefit equally the just and the unjust. Any other doctrine than this, is downright delusion, unworthy of a free people, and only intended for slaves.

"As to that, gramercy," said Gawaine. "I pray God, in return, that he send you honor and worship." "That will not come," said the knight. "He sendeth me but sorrow and shame." As he spoke he passed on to the other side of the lawn. Here Gawaine saw ten knights, standing with shields and spears ready against this one warrior.

I have also written to Sylvanus the praetor, that no one compel the Jews to come before a judge on the sabbath day." "Marcus Agrippa to the magistrates, senate, and people of Cyrene, sendeth greeting.

Or what king, going forth to encounter another king in battle, doth not sit down first, and consult if he is able with ten thousand men to meet him who is coming against him with twenty thousand? and if he be not, whilst he is still at a distance, he sendeth an embassy, and desires terms of peace. So then, every one of you who will not part with all his possessions, cannot be my disciple.

Praised be he who hath laid the foundations of his power in the mountains, and hath set us to guard and to keep it; who hath strengthened our arm for the overthrow of the enemy, and hath made our tongue eloquent in declaring his doctrines unto all believers; who in the drops of rain sendeth us his blessing, whose love shines down upon us out of the stars, and whose mercy is infinite unto all who believe in his name!

For in great men, and great times, there is nothing good or vital but what is of God, and not of man's self; and when He taketh away that divine breath they die, and return again to their dust. But the earth does not lose; for when He sendeth forth His Spirit they live, and renew the face of the earth.

Hagen and Folker, too, eagerly did the same in truth. Still more I'll tell you, that the king's marshal sendeth you by me the message, that the good knights have passing need of your lodgement." Rudeger answered with a smile: "Now well is me of these tales, that the high-born kings do reck of my service. It shall not be denied them. Merry and blithe will I be, an' they come unto my house."