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The productions of the Aru Islands closely resemble those of New Guinea, more than half the species of birds being identical, as well as about half of the few known mammals. I am beginning to work at some semi-mechanical work, drawing up catalogues of parts of my collection for publication. I enclose my "carte." Have you a photograph of yourself of any kind you can send me?

The modern system has had the great disadvantage of putting out of the range of the average writer of comedy a good many subjects that deserve treatment, but can only be handled with success by writers of great experience or those who possess remarkable gifts for the semi-mechanical work of construction, which are not necessarily allied to the higher qualities needed by the dramatist.

It mattered little with semi-mechanical professions like medicine or the law, but how was a man to write articles such as he wrote, not to mention poetry, except he had the repose necessary to the redintegration of his exhausted brain? The baby went on crying, and the mother's heart was torn. The woman of the house said he must be already cutting his teeth, and recommended some devilish sirup.

"My Lady Audley come here to-night!" he said. "Yes, Luke." My lady appeared upon the threshold of the door as Phoebe spoke. "Yes, Luke Marks," she said, "I have come to pay this man, and to send him about his business." Lady Audley said these words in a strange, semi-mechanical manner; very much as if she had learned the sentence by rote, and were repeating it without knowing what she said. Mr.

After the inquiry he was necessarily committed for trial at the next criminal session; and fell at first into a semi-mechanical existence. But slowly the twin stars of memory and hope rose out of the dark, while conscious integrity began to clear the moral æther. He tried in vain to cherish remorse, but Elliot's treachery overbore the effort; slowly calm returned.