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"We advertise and boast about our colossal wealth, and yet we are incapable of the slightest self-sacrifice in order to preserve it. One would have imagined that our philosophers, our historians, would warn us in irresistible terms, by unanswerable scientific deduction, of what was coming." "My compliments to your pronouns," Seaman murmured, with a little bow.

I call self- sacrifice, therefore, a sad necessity. This theory of sacrifice is urged by Hobbes and by the later moralists who follow his daring lead. It should be counted among the objections because, while it admits the fact of self-sacrifice, it denies its dignity. A third objection declares sacrifice to be needless. Its very appearance rests on a misconception.

The simple, direct earnestness of her manner upon the mimic scene, characterized her proceedings in real life. She was at once the slave and the benefactress of her family; she was devotedly fond of children; she was of liberal and generous nature; she was happiest when conferring kindness upon others; her career abounded in self-sacrifice.

Selection, methodical, of Prussian grenadiers. Selection, sexual, explanation of; influence of, on the colouring of Lepidoptera. Selection, sexual and natural, contrasted. Self-command, habit of, inherited; estimation of. Self-consciousness, in animals. Self-preservation, instinct of. Self-sacrifice, by savages; estimation of. Semilunar fold. Semnopithecus, long hair on the heads of species of.

Assuredly all lovers of truth must do homage to the courage and self-sacrifice of these men. The doubt which may be reasonably felt and expressed as to the consistency of their attitude reflects no discredit on them personally.

Both had many sympathies in common. Jolliet had been educated by the Jesuits in Canada, but unlike La Salle, he was in full accord with their objects. Marquette possessed those qualities of self-sacrifice and religious devotion which entitle him to rank with Lalemant, Jogues, and Brebeuf.

Why turn to the front its incidental negations? This is topsy-turvy nomenclature. Better blot the word self-sacrifice from our dictionaries. Devotion, service, love, dedication to a cause, these words mark its real nature and are the only descriptions of it which its practicers will recognize.

The one idea, the one resolution, the one desire, which wholly possessed her was to close the life that had been so full of self-sacrifice by the greatest sacrifice of all that of life itself, and not only in order to secure Irene's happiness and to save the Roman, but because it pleased her her father's daughter to make a noble end; because she, the maiden, would fain show Publius what a woman might be capable of who loved him above all others; because, at this moment, death did not seem a misfortune; and her mind, overwrought by hours of terrific tension, could not free itself from the fixed idea that she would and must sacrifice herself.

The sanctifying influence of home-life lies mainly in its necessity, its obviousness, in the fact of our remaining unprofitable servants after we have done our best. It is the school in which we are placed by God; we are bound to learn its lessons, and do its duties: there is no halo of self-sacrifice around it the position rightly viewed gives us no choice.

The self-sacrifice which lies at the centre of Christianity should have touched this man more deeply than almost any other. That it was beginning to touch and mould him, I verily believe. He died and made that sign. Of what music did that storm in Spezia Bay rob the world! "The Cross leads generations on."