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His daughter married Lucius Licinius Crassus, who had such reverence tor his father-in-law, that, when a candidate for the consulship, he could not persuade himself in the presence of Scaevola to cringe to the people, or to adopt any of the usual self-humiliating methods of canvassing for the popular vote.

Few landsmen can imagine the depressing and self-humiliating effects of finding one's self, for the first time, at the beck of illiterate sea-tyrants, with no opportunity of exhibiting any trait about you, but your ignorance of every thing connected with the sea-life that you lead, and the duties you are constantly called upon to perform.

Happy is that Christian, who, in obedience to his Lord's command, is so humble as to seek out the brother who has offended him; 'Go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone, is the divine command. Is it not at the peril of our souls wilfully to violate this self-humiliating but imperative law? Ed. To 'frump, to mock or browbeat. Ed. 'Greatly nosed, taken by the nose, ridiculed. Ed.

Then presently she looked up, a flash of exquisite feeling breaking up the delicate resolution of the face. 'I am not sad about that, Robert. Oh, how you have widened my world for me! Suddenly that hour in Marrisdale came back to her. They were in the woodpath. She crept inside her husband's arm and put up her face to him, swept away by an overmastering impulse of self-humiliating love.

Then presently she looked up, a flash of exquisite feeling breaking up the delicate resolution of the face. 'I am not sad about that, Robert. Oh, how you have widened my world for me! Suddenly that hour in Marrisdale came back to her. They were in the woodpath. She crept inside her husband's arm and put up her face to him, swept away by an overmastering impulse of self-humiliating love.