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For whatever means may have to be taken, must be taken by him. Egeria, as he knows well, will do nothing for him which he can reasonably be expected to do for himself. There are subjects, such as drawing, dancing, and singing, which are, or at any rate ought to be, intrinsically delightful, as being natural channels of self-expression.

Yes, that precisely sums it up: she interfered with your soul-development, and your instinctive need of self-expression, and all that sort of thing. You are very well rid of this woman, who converted a poet into a pawnbroker. To the other side, as is with point observed somewhere or other, it is not good for man to live alone. But, friend, I have just the wife for you."

The extreme purity of this young soul seeking self-expression so courageously, struck the two men with particular emphasis. The reading was a great success. The part intended for Esperance, the young girl's part, the heroine of the piece, had become of primary importance.

The whole series of dynamic mind-images, which make up the entire history of the personal man, is a part of the mechanism which the Self employs, to mirror itself in a reflection, to embody its powers in an outward form, to the end of self-expression, selfrealization, self-knowledge.

Again, in the second stanza, the rich, pure voice thrilled his every nerve, gaining rather than losing in its effect by his approach. Unconsciously the poor girl had yielded to the old habit of self-expression in music. Her heart had been heavy, and now was sad indeed. Earthly hope had been growing dim, but the words of faith she had heard had not been without sustaining influence.

Like most girls she had had dreams, but unlike most girls, she had often dreamed of a life in which men had no place. She had recently entered upon the career of a public singer, not because she was obliged to earn money but because she had a fine voice and a strong temperament, and longed for self-expression. But she had always believed that her public career would be a short one.

What you should do is to begin early to practise self-expression. Don't wait too long to tell us about the woods as you know them." "Follow the course of the Bird Woman, you mean?" asked Elnora. "In your own way; with your own light. She won't live forever. You are younger, and you will be ready to begin where she ends.

It would seem as if, in general, there are two conflicting tendencies in minds such as Mechthild’s, a tendency to tradition in her case, of course, church tradition and a tendency to definite self-expression.

That old woman's life may be bare and narrow enough in many ways, but at least she is rich and fortunate in having the opportunity for the exercise of a skilled trade, and in it an outlet for self-expression, and even for artistic taste in the choice of patterns and colors.

This involves "throwing the whole self" into it, not only thought and patience, but enthusiasm and loving finish, even as the artist puts them into his work, so that it becomes a happy self-expression. Nothing shall interfere with or mar it, or spoil its value when recalled.