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"I hold myself responsible for the selection which I made, and will not have that selection questioned in this violent and outrageous manner by you.

The said back, you will remember, was in a whole piece this belly is in two pieces, as I intimated under the heading "selection of wood"; and, as a natural consequence, has to be joined before I can operate upon it as a whole before you.

I forget how many bags I got; but the few who had grown potatoes in the district sent theirs to Sydney, and spuds went up to twelve and fifteen shillings a hundredweight in that district. I made a few quid out of mine and saved carriage too, for I could take them out on the waggon. II. Joe Wilson's Luck. There was good grass on the selection all the year.

Guessed at by Goethe a hundred years ago, but not expressed in definite form until formulated by Lamarck in the beginning of the present century, it was at last, thirty years ago, decisively established by Charles Darwin, his theory of selection filling up the gap which Lamarck in his doctrine of the reciprocal influence of heredity and adaptation had left open.

Millicent looked dubious and Miss Hume alarmed; but the orders were carried out, and Lisle accompanied by Crestwick made a tour of inspection. Stopping in front of Bella's and Carew's tent, he pointed to their rather imposing pile of baggage. "Two-thirds of this will have to be left behind, though we'll try to pick it up again. You can make your selection."

In the city of New York over 2,000 positions in the civil service have been subject in their appointments and tenure of place to the operation of published rules for this purpose during the past two years. The results of these practical trials have been very satisfactory, and have confirmed my opinion in favor of this system of selection.

But if the different solutions, which we have here examined, should be carefully reviewed, it will be seen that circumstances have changed, and, under the fourth head, it will be seen that they have changed in a way which required time, selection, and great efforts: what is more, it will be seen that they have changed in a way critically important for the future interests of the empire.

Another was abandoned after much handling of the remaining three because to the delicate touch of Nash it seemed that the weight of the barrel was a gram more than in the other two; but after this selection it seemed that there was no possible choice between the final two. So he stood in the centre of the room and went through a series of odd gymnastics.

Whether there were crosses at first remains in dispute, but there is more probability that the policy adopted was one of selection; those exceptionally fast were bred with the same, until the slow, steady line hunter was improved out of his very character and shape.

Let us take the perception of bodies. It is easy to show and I regret that I cannot here reproduce Mr Bergson's masterly demonstration that the division of matter into distinct objects with sharp outlines is produced by a selection of images which is completely relative to our practical needs.