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Michal wrote and translated at the same time: "Let him who would see many days keep a spare table!" "The Italians say: 'La cucina piccola fa la casa grande, la tavola e un ladrone segreto! Write that down also and tell me what it means." The damsel recited as she wrote: "A small kitchen enlarges a house, but a liberal table is a secret thief!"

Unfavourable reports were circulated about the ladies, the mother having almost lost caste since she had become a widow, and the girl having too bold a beauty, too conquering an air. Thus the marriage had not met with the approval of Serafina, who was very rigid, or of Onofrio's elder brother Pio, at that time merely a Cameriere segreto of the Holy Father and a Canon of the Vatican basilica.

The last act opens at a banquet in the palace of the Princess Negroni, which is attended by Genarro and his friends, Lucrezia, meanwhile, supposing that he has gone to Venice. During the repast she has managed to poison their wine. In the midst of the gay revel Orsini sings the popular drinking-song, "Il segreto per esser felici," which is now familiar the world over.

Moreover, a place at Rome was marked out for him, for he there had powerful connections. He was a nephew by marriage of Cardinal Sarno, whose sister had married another of his uncles, a Paris notary; and he was also cousin german of Monsignor Gamba del Zoppo, a Cameriere segreto, and son of one of his aunts, who had married an Italian colonel.

Michelangelo's magnificent cartoon of Leda and the Swan, if it falls short of some similar subject in some gabinetto segreto of antique fresco, does assuredly not do so because the draughtsman's hand faltered in pious dread or pious aspiration.

The following year Sontag also sang with Malibran in London, her greatest success being in Carolina, the principal character of Cimarosa's "Il Matrimonio Segreto." Mile. Sontag was now for the first time assailed by the voice of calumny. Her union with Count Rossi, consummated more than a year before, had been kept secret on account of the dislike of his family to the match.

And all of a sudden, he crashed like lightning, like a tiger: Morro!... ma vendicato ... Again when he was singing ... when he was singing that celebrated air from "Matrimonio segreto," Pria che spunti ... then he, il gran Garcia, after the words, "I cavalli di galoppo" at the words, "Senza posa cacciera," listen, how stupendous, come e stupendo!

'Il segreto! the girl cried commandingly, with a forefinger at his breast. He crossed arms, toning in similar recitative, with anguish, 'Dove volare! They joined in half a dozen bars of operatic duet. She flew to him, embraced and kissed. 'I must have it, my papa! unlock. I've been spying the bird on its hedgerow nest so long!

Their Nesta was heard on the descent of the stairs, with a rattle of Donizetti's Il segreto to the skylights. He performed his never-omitted lover's homage. Nataly enfolded him in a homely smile. 'A country-house? We go and see it to-morrow? 'And you've been pining for a country home, my dear soul. 'After the summer six weeks, the house in London does not seem a home to return to.

See lib. ii. cap. 34: 'Nel nostro scrivere non intendiamo far giudizio delle cose incerte, e massimamente della intenzione e animo segreto degli uomini, che non apparisce chiara se non per congettura e riscontro delle cose esteriori. E però stando termo il primo proposito, vogliamo raccontare quanto più possibile ci sia, la verit