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He studies the physics of velocity in relation to equine locomotion, and with an eye to withers, loins, hocks, and haunches, he segregates his brood mares and his stallions. And behold, in the course of a few years, he has a thoroughbred stock, swifter of foot than any ever in the world before.

Yet we who know the Larger Love, Which separates the sheep and goats And segregates Scolecobrots, Believing where we cannot prove, Deem that in His mysterious Day God puts the Peers upon His right, And hides the poor in endless night, For thou, my Lord, art more than they.

Art supplies constantly to contemplation what nature seldom affords in concrete experience the union of life and peace. The ideal, however, would not come down from the empyrean and be conceived unless somebody's thought were absorbed in the conception. Art actually segregates classes of men and masses of matter to serve its special interests.

Man selects the variation that pleases him, eliminates or segregates the type that does not, and by following up the process eventually produces a distinct and fixed variation. It was because of the likeness of what goes on in the case of the breeder to what we see actually going on in nature that Darwin used the phrase "Natural Selection" as descriptive of the process.

With perceptive craft he scans faces and notes special traits of fellow-passengers. Neither back nor profile view long can dissemble. By some sorting sense he segregates those few whom his judgment commends to more than casual notice. These are so watched as not to be aware. These entries occur in his diary: "We have been out many weeks. One clear-cut, expressive face rivets my view.

This fact agrees with the hypothesis that the factors in such a case are contained in a single chromosome which segregates from the fellow of its pair in the reduction divisions.

'There, says the chronicler, 'the butcher Sir Rolf got a taste of his everlasting torments, there FitzReinfrid lay and charred; there Ponce of Caen, ill born, made a foul smoke as became him. Turning to go in again, the three were confronted with the Norman segregates. Great work ensued by the light of the fire.