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Something pretty serious, though they've jumped their acceleration almost to Tellurian gravity, and none of them can live through much of that." "Tellurians?" came the voice of Barkovis from the speaker. "We have just...." "All x we were on your wave and heard it," interrupted Stevens. "We're with you. What are those Sedlor, anyway? Maybe we can help you dope out something."

All around that district we have erected barriers of force, maintained by a corps of men known as 'Guardians of the Sedlor. These barriers extend so far into the ground and so high into the air that the Sedlor can neither burrow beneath them nor fly over them.

From the flying globes emanated pale beams of force, at the touch of which the Sedlor disappeared in puffs of vapor. Upon the ground huge tractors and trucks, manned by masked soldiery, mounted mighty reflectors projecting the same lethal beam.

They are now attacking our nearest city the one you know, and which you have called Titania." "What do you use those high-explosive bombs?" "The bombs were developed principally for use against them, but proved worse than useless, for we found that when a Sedlor was blown to pieces, each piece forthwith developed into a new, complete creature.

He drove the massive switches in, and as that dull red beam struck the cliff's base there was made evident the awful effect of a concentrated beam of real and pure heat upon such an utterly frigid world. Vast columns of fire roared aloft, helping Stevens, melting and destroying the very ground as the bodies of the Sedlor in that gigantic ant-heap burst into flames.

"The Sedlor have broken through and are marching upon Titania. The order has gone out for immediate mobilization of every unit." "There's that word 'Sedlor' again what are they, anyway, Steve?" demanded Nadia. "I don't know. I was going to ask him when he sprung it on us first, but he was pretty busy then and I haven't thought of it since.

The Sedlor are a form of life, something like your..." he paused, searching through his scanty store of Earthly knowledge, then went on, doubtfully, "perhaps some thing like your insects. They developed a sort of intelligence, and because of their fecundity, adapted themselves to their environment as readily as did man; and for ages they threatened man's supremacy upon Titan.

In consequence, Titan's power has been cut to a minimum, since maintaining our beam at that great distance required a large fraction of the output of the other plant. Because of this lack, the Sedlor walls were weakened to such a point that in spite of the Guardian's assurances, I think trouble is inevitable.