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No devils danced on the footboard of Herbert Spencer's bed, because there were no devil-cells in his brain. Another great discovery of Herbert Spencer's was that the emotions control the secretions. And the quality of the secretions determines the chemical changes which constitute all cellular growth.

They are called endocrine glands or organs, and their chemical contributions to the blood are known as hormones. Sometimes those which do nothing but furnish these secretions are spoken of as "ductless glands," from their structure. Some authorities think that "every cell in the body is an organ of internal secretion", and that thus each influences all the others.

The knowledge that the shape and action of a man's body as well as his mind depend on the internal secretions inspires the hope of the emergence of a hitherto inconceivable controlling power over human life in the future. For in the wake of chemical discovery there has always come chemical control.

In these cases the voluntary power first ceases to act from deficiency of sensorial spirit; and the stimuli from external bodies have no effect on the exhausted sensorial power, and a delirium like a dream is the consequence. At length the internal stimuli cease to excite sufficient irritation, and the secretions are either not produced at all, or too parsimonious in quantity.

He meant that woman is a woman, the sort of woman she specifically is, because of her internal secretions. But no divine decree has laid down a line of cleavage between man and woman. There are fundamental constitutional differences between man and woman. But it is just as true that man is man because of his internal secretions.

The sex difficulties produced in these people by the conflict between their conscious sex and their subconscious sex, the sex duel in the same mind, Siamese twins pulling in diametrically opposite directions, are comprehensible only from the viewpoint of the internal secretions. Homosexuality, in one form or another, frank or concealed, haunts the thymo-centric and spoils his life.

"Correspondingly, then, and within the consciousness of the mother, there develops a new little minor consciousness which, although but lightly integrated with the mass of her consciousness, nevertheless has its part in her consciousness taken as a whole, much as the psychic correspondents of the action of the nerve which govern the secretions of the glands of the body have their part in her consciousness taken as a whole.

And, as has been emphasized in preceding chapters, most neurasthenia rises upon a disturbed endocrine foundation, most often, an insufficiency of the adrenals. That is, a defect in the chain of co-operation, balance and compensation among the internal secretions is the basis for the weakness of the nervous system the term neurasthenia is supposed to explain, actually only names.

They need good care and nourishing food and plenty of light, outdoor exercise. In young girls I sometimes find an irritation of the vagina which causes pain. This may be due to the retention of secretions in the vagina. The general idea that only married women have leucorrhoea, or whites, is fallacious. Virgins may have it. The usual cause is catching cold at the menstrual period.

The heat produced in any given time depends on the degree of this acceleration; the fluids are shaken, the humors attenuated, the secretions facilitated, and all goes well; the cheeks are ruddy, and health is established.