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Tegetmeier that it has been experimentally found that no less than from twelve to fifteen pounds of dry sugar are consumed by a hive of bees for the secretion of each pound of wax; so that a prodigious quantity of fluid nectar must be collected and consumed by the bees in a hive for the secretion of the wax necessary for the construction of their combs.

Whether this iodid or iodin acts per se, or acts by stimulating the thyroid gland to increased activity and therefore to more normal activity, so that it is the thyroid secretion which is of benefit, it is difficult to decide.

If there is evidence that the articulation contains infective material, it is washed out with copious quantities of peroxide of hydrogen usually as much as six or eight ounces. This is followed by injection of an ounce or two of tincture of iodin. Even though the joint appears to be clean some tincture of iodin is used, as it checks the secretion of synovia and is, in every way, beneficial.

The vaginal secretion becomes more abundant during pregnancy, and the increase is interpreted as an additional guarantee against infection at the time of labor. So far as possible, therefore, this natural antiseptic should not be disturbed.

But recognition of this consists with the belief that the action of the medium initiated the outer layer, specialized though it now is; and that even still, contact with the medium excites secretion of it. A remarkable analogy remains to be named.

Of this corporation the glands of internal secretion are the directors. But the huge corporation, not to topple over with its own unwieldy size, must be composed of smaller units, each within itself a corporation, and governed by a directorate.

Nevertheless the true internal secretion takes place in the innermost substance of the cells or particles of protoplasm, of the milk-land, which particles really form that liquid. But every living creature consists at first entirely of a particle of protoplasm.

A vegetable secretion and concretion is thus produced on oak-leaves by the gall-insect, and by the cynips in the bedeguar of the rose; and by the young grasshopper on many plants, by which the animal surrounds itself with froth. But in no circumstance is extra-uterine gestation so exactly resembled as by the eggs of a fly, which are deposited in the frontal sinus of sheep and calves.

Life, body and soul emerge from the activities of the magic ooze of their silent chemistry precisely as a tree of tin crystals arises from the chemical reactions started in a solution of tin salts by an electric current. Man is regulated by his Glands of Internal Secretion.