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Some two hundred and fifty students annually study this subject, but whether from apathy, indolence, the limited capacity of the Indian, or some other ethnological or incomprehensible reason, up to now there has not developed a Lavoisier, a Secchi, or a Tyndall, not even in miniature, in the Malay-Filipino race."

See's elimination of irradiative effects by means of daylight measures, executed at Washington in 1901. The visual spectrum of this planet was first examined by Father Secchi in 1869, and later, with more advantages for accuracy, by Huggins, Vogel, and Keeler. It is a very remarkable one.

"The staircase is cut out of the old Roman walls, which no roll of carriage, except that of the earthquake chariot, can shake. "Having no prescribed duties, Secchi could follow his fancies he could pick up comets as he picked up bits of Mosaic upon the Roman forum. He learns what himself and his instruments can do, and he keeps to that narrow path.

"But it was late when I reached home, and I spent no time at all there." "I know you did not," laughed the old man. "You gave Gigi Secchi some money, and then fled precipitately." "Indeed I was afraid you would suddenly come upon me, and I ran away," answered Corona, laughing in her turn, as the dark blood rose to her olive cheeks.

An instructive example is that of the chromospheric element helium. Father Secchi remarked in 1868 that there is no dark line in the solar spectrum matching its light; and his observation has been fully confirmed. Helium-absorption is, however, occasionally noticed in the penumbræ of spots. Our terrestrial vital element might then easily subsist unrecognisably in the sun.

Sir John thus expresses himself on the subject: "The curious appearance of the 'pores' of the Sun's surface has lately received a most singular and unexpected interpretation from the remarkable discovery of Mr. De la Rue, Pritchard and Stone in England, and M. Secchi in Rome." On the 25th of February 1864, I received a communication from Mr.

There I saw the complete works of Humboldt, the complete Arago, as well as works by Foucault, Henri Sainte-Claire Deville, Chasles, Milne-Edwards, Quatrefages, John Tyndall, Faraday, Berthelot, Father Secchi, Petermann, Commander Maury, Louis Agassiz, etc., plus the transactions of France's Academy of Sciences, bulletins from the various geographical societies, etc., and in a prime location, those two volumes on the great ocean depths that had perhaps earned me this comparatively charitable welcome from Captain Nemo.

He also smiled maliciously in the presence of certain physical theories and considered visionary, if not actually insane, the Jesuit Secchi, to whom he imputed the making of triangulations on the host as a result of his astronomical mania, for which reason it was said that he had been forbidden to celebrate mass.

The separate effects of its action on luminous, thermal, and chemical rays were carefully studied by Father Secchi, who in 1870 inferred the total absorption to be 88/100 of all radiations taken together, and added the important observation that the light from the limb is no longer white, but reddish-brown.

A view better justified by observation was urged by Secchi in and after the year 1872, and was presented in an improved form by Professor Young in his excellent little book on The Sun, published in 1882. Spots are manifestly associated with violent eruptive action, giving rise to the faculæ and prominences which usually garnish their borders.