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There was the click of a key in the lock, and he crept back to the stool. Nancy came in, panting and perspiring. "Dear heart alive! what a race I've had to get home," she said, puffing the air of the night. She was throwing off her bonnet and shawl, and talking before looking round. "Such pushing and scrooging, you never seen the like, Kirry.

But there was one among them who did not cheer. This one was a square-jawed person who, shoving and scrooging, cleft a passage through the applauding multitude, and slipped deftly under the ropes and laid a detaining grasp upon the peltry-clad shoulder of the astonished Riley.

When these were seated, there was a rush of helpless and abandoned ones who were going in the same direction young mothers with children, old men and old women. Pete hauled them up till the seats and the floor were choked, and the brake could hold no more. He got small thanks. "Such crushing and scrooging! I declare my black merino frock, that I've only had on once, will be teetotal spoilt."

The astonished guard sensed the situation as the scrooging, shoving, noisy wave rolled across the platform toward the doors which he had opened and, thrusting the officer and his prisoner into the narrow platform space behind him, he tried to form with his body a barrier against those who came jamming in. It didn't do any good. He was brushed away, protesting and blustering.

And glad I was to have him quick about it; for he might have redooced me to such a condition ay, and I believe a' would, too, if onst a' had caught sight of me as the parish might 'a had to fight over the appintment of another sexton. And so at last a' went away. And I were that stiff with scrooging in this cornder " "Is that all? Oh, that comes to nothing. Surely you must have more to tell me?