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So 'mind the ferry for me, will you, Daddy, William says, coming round where was I taking my morning pint over at the Inn. 'You're a wonderful valorous man of your years' and so thank the powers, Miss, I be 'can handle the old scraw as clever as I can myself, William says.

'We'd make an Oirishman of him for ever. 'Begad, we'd make him wear the grane in raal earnest, and, a foine scraw it would be, said a third. The witticism was greeted with a roar of laughter, and upon this expression of a somewhat verdant patriotism the dispute concerning the reduction was resumed. 'Give us the land all round at the Government valuation, said a man in the middle of the group.

If I could tell you how the Convent rises before me as a vision of blessedness after life's 'shaky scraw' the cool cloisters, the rows of innocent beds, the delicious old garden. There are tears at my heart, as I think of it. What flowers I will bring to my favourite nun.... God grant she is still alive! What altar-cloths I will weave with my silver and gold!

It ought to look beautiful at the start, at least, though one may know it's a shaky scraw." "A shaky what?" "Oh, it's an Irish term for a bit of black bog that looks like lovely green meadow. You step out so gaily on the glittering grass, and then squish! squash! down you go to choke in the ooze." "Don't be so pessimistic.