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Scrutton, and let us away. So Mr. Scrutton, for that was Mr. Clerk's name, scratches a bit with his quill on the parchment sheet to fill in the money, and then Maskew scratches his name, and Mr. Bailiff scratches his name, and Mr. Clerk scratches again to witness Mr. Bailiff's name, and then Mr.

I was well acquainted with his usual scratches and dots, and having a good memory, could put him right when he was puzzled with some misshapen x or z, representing some unknown quantity, like the same letters in algebra. I have said that I was heir-apparent, but I did not say that I was the only child born to my father in his wedlock.

He wanted me to retire to the rear and stop with the baggage guard; but, I would have none of that, no, not I! "I would rather go on, sir, if you will allow me," said I. "Now that I have rested and you have put that stuff on the wounds, I feel all right again, sir; and I don't want to be left out of the fighting and lose the chance of paying out those Arab beggars for a few scratches like these.

Scratches of a cat are best treated by smearing, and that freely and continuously for an hour, and then afterwards at longer intervals, fresh butter on the part affected. If fresh butter Be not at hand, fresh lard that is to say, lard without salt will answer the purpose.

His arms and legs, withered and skinny, betokened extreme age, as well as did their sunburn and scars and scratches betoken long years of exposure to the elements. The boy, who led the way, checking the eagerness of his muscles to the slow progress of the elder, likewise wore a single garment a ragged-edged piece of bear-skin, with a hole in the middle through which he had thrust his head.

Another thing I noted about him was that the lobe of his ear was pierced and in a strange fashion, since the gristle was stretched to such a size that a small apple could have been placed within its ring. For the rest the man's limbs were so thin as though from hunger, that everywhere his bones showed, while his skin was scarred with cuts and scratches, and on his forehead was a large bruise.

Nightly couching, on guard, round the seraglio, like fangless old bronze dragons round a fountain enchanted, the old men ever and anon cried out mightily, by reason of sore pinches and scratches received in the dark: And tri-trebly-tri-triply girt about as he was, Donjalolo himself started from his slumbers, raced round and round through his ten thousand corridors; at last bursting all dizzy among his twenty-nine queens, to see what under the seventh-heavens was the matter.

In fact the cowboy had several long and deep scratches on his hands and legs, where his heavy trousers had been cut through by the terrible claws. Aside from that he was not hurt. "Good thing I had a load in my gun," he remarked, as he threw out the empty shell and fired a bullet through the head of the lion to make sure it was dead.

It is made for a limited amount of excretion and when more foreign matter, much of it of a very irritating nature, is deposited for elimination through the skin, it becomes inflamed. It itches. In a little while there is an attack of eczema. The baby scratches, digging its little nails in with a will. The infant soon has its face covered with sores and the scalp is scaly.

Sagittarius aside to the Prophet. "What!" "Especially as Madame says, any illnesses taking the form of a rash the epidemic form, as I may say and so forth. We are to receive this document by the first post Thursday morning." "Have you dotted all that down, Mr. Vivian?" inquired Madame. The Prophet hastily made a large variety of scratches with the lead pencil. "And now," continued Mr. Sagittarius.