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We traveled in this manner until reaching the little stream spoken of, where the scouting party had turned back, not having met any trouble. The Colonel thought it best for me to take a part of my scouts and go ahead again and prospect the country for water and grass.

The concentration of our cavalry had been so complete that when it took an independent line of retreat it ceased, for the time, to be any efficient part of Schofield's forces, and left him without cover for his flank or means of rapid reconnoissance. Nothing more than scouting parties and patrols from Forrest's column had gone north of Mount Carmel during the day.

"Is there any possible way of making as thickheaded or stubborn a fellow as Prescott realize that he simply can't go on with us? That we won't have him with us?" "Oh, I think there's a way," smiled the other cadet. "Then I wonder why some one doesn't find it?" demanded Jordan wrathfully. "We shall, I think." Greg scented new mischief in the air, yet he was hardly the one to do the scouting.

And the unknown apparently knew at least part of the situation in the cabin. Which meant either very clever scouting, or that they had taken Weatherby. But Drew, knowing the habits of the guerrillas, dared not follow that last thought far. He tried to locate the man outside; he was in front all right, but surely not directly in line with the door. "Cap'n!"

"I've got a letter to him also," said Jim, producing it. "I was told that," said the superintendent, reaching for his hat; "but unfortunately Mr. Sayers is not here. Won't be back for a week or ten days. Gone scouting to see what the rival concerns have got in the way of improvements. They can't steal a march on him. He's absolutely the keenest man in his line on earth! And see here!

I tried to get a few, men to go with me on a short scouting expedition to discover if the Indians were coming that way. Not one could be found who would volunteer to go. I then returned home and taking one of my young men and a younger brother, struck out for the old Indian trail leading along the crest of the McKay Mountains.

The most obvious influence will be in distant scouting, for which the great speed of aircraft will make them peculiarly adapted, as was demonstrated in the battle near the Skagerak.

Scouting against the Indians in the Kiowa and Comanche country The Red-Legged Scouts A Trip to Denver Death of my Mother I Awake one Morning to Find myself a Soldier I am put on Detached Service as a Scout The Chase after Price An Unexpected Meeting with Wild Bill An Unpleasant Situation Wild Bill's Escape from the Southern Lines The Charge upon Price's Army We return to Springfield.

Then the signal was given by wireless for the main fleet to proceed on a north-westerly course, in an extended formation of line abreast, with the destroyers scouting on both wings, and a great shout of "Banzai Nippon!" went up, for everybody knew that north-west was the road to Port Arthur, where Togo fervently hoped and prayed he might find the Russian fleet still at anchor.

And so, as I said in the beginning, if you should visit Temple Camp, you will hear the story told of how Llewellyn, scout of the first-class, and Orestes, winner of the merit badges for architecture and music, were by their scouting skill and lore instrumental in solving a mystery and performing a great good turn.