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In Steve's boat, the creek would be only a few minutes away." Rick savored the biscuit and took another bite that finished it. "I could eat a ton of these. What else would make a stingaree fly?" Scotty accepted a pitcher of honey from the waiter and poured a disgraceful amount on a biscuit. "How about some kind of experimental aircraft?" Rick shook his head. "The stingaree was vertical.

"It takes some time to get a call through," he said, "so I placed our call an hour ago. The operator assured me it would go through precisely at seven." Moustafa turned to Scotty and shook hands again. "According to my watch, we have only a few seconds to wait. Mr. Brant, you will answer the phone, if you please. Identify Bartouki to your own satisfaction, then ask him about Kemel Moustafa.

Neither he nor Scotty believed in flying saucers at least, not in saucers that kidnaped people, and the object Rick had seen had not been saucer-like. It had been shaped like a stingaree. Stingarees don't fly. Rick smiled to himself. During another vacation, skin diving in the Virgin Islands, he and Scotty had proved that octopuses don't wail.

"If you and Scotty feel up to it," Winston added, "we'd like you to duplicate the audio tapes for us. We want to send a set right away to Green Bank. They started audio recording, too, yesterday, but they don't have the hours when the object was in sight of our telescope but not theirs. They're duplicating the signals we didn't get after the object dropped below our horizon.

It would be natural enough, and if anyone came within earshot they could make the conversation sound harmless. Scotty grinned. "How's your pal and special charge?" At least once a day he kidded Rick about becoming nursemaid to a monkey. "Fine," Rick replied. "He asks for you every day. After all, he knows you're the only other ape on the base." Scotty ignored the crack.

There will be only Orvil Harris catching crabs as usual." Scotty spoke up. "We could make one change, Steve. You could be with us, either in the water or in the runabout." Steve shook his head. "No thanks, Scotty. I have some business of my own later tonight. You carry out your plan and I'll carry out mine." "Is your business connected with ours?" Rick asked.

He pointed the red fish out to Scotty, who in turn showed him where a little moray was peering out of a hole near the base of the rock. Rick was fascinated. If a tiny patch of rock held this amount of life, what must the real reefs be like off Clipper Cay? He was suddenly impatient to get going, to put on his aqualung and explore the reef from top to bottom.

Fresh-water rinses for the remainder of their equipment followed, and they carried the equipment into the house. Zircon was already engrossed in a book, while Tony was engaged in scraping the pottery shard he had found. The boys watched him for a few minutes, then Scotty suggested, "How about a walk?" "Okay." There was an idea stirring in the back of Rick's head.

Besides, he does his haunting at night if he's the one and he roams the fields near the mine. He must know his way around." "You're right," Scotty assented. "Now tell me this: why did he take the cement bags?" "To keep us from finding out that they didn't contain cement," Rick said. "It has to be the reason. That means he knew about the bags, and maybe he even buried them.

He had supposed that Tom, Dick, Harry or McMillan would share that honor and responsibility with Kid, and now, unexpectedly, it had come to him. "Scotty" was trusting him; safety for them all might rest on his strength and faithfulness, and he was grateful indeed for this opportunity to prove that he was both strong and faithful.