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It was then that his mother "basely deserted him;" and Terry left for good, rejecting the money offered him. "I passed them up," he said, scornfully, "and after spending the night in the lodging-house, I beat my way back to Chicago.

"If I've made a mistake," began the man, who all this time had been fearfully watching her. "If you've made a mistake!" she echoed scornfully. "The best of us do sometimes, you know," he continued. "Why to me to me? What have I said or done to encourage you? Why to me?" she cried. "If I've made a mistake, I'm more sorry than I can say, more sorry than you can guess."

"And did ye think it would be pleasing to your brother to have a tradesman of the same name and blood as himself in the same place?" asked Bates with lack of toleration in his tone. "That's all very fine!" scornfully. "You know as well as I do that my lord and my gentleman come out to this country to do what farm-hands and cattle-men would hardly be paid to do at home "

"He calls himself a white man," answered the Master-Attendant scornfully; "but if so, it's just skin-deep and no more. I told him that to his face too." "But who is he, then?" "He's the chief engineer of her. See that, Harry?" "I see," Captain Whalley said thoughtfully. "The engineer. I see." How the fellow came to be a shipowner at the same time was quite a tale.

A moment later he began to walk slowly up-hill in the opposite direction to that which the road pursued; he was minded to see a little more of the big house perched so boldly on that bluff above the stream, looking down so scornfully at the humble village on the other bank.

Allow me to join her, if only to see if the clear waters of the lake reflect back her image as lovely and enchanting as the reality." The prince bowed, and with hasty steps took the path that led to the lake. Louise looked at him scornfully.

It isn't even necessary to get into togs. We can send a note to the referee, and he can award the game to Hanniston." "Fine!" broke in Hepson scornfully. "However, I guess we aren't going to have any cinch to-day," joined in Midshipman Waite, from another table. "I have word from outside, by the way." "What word?"

I will do all you ask of me, if only you will save your life." But now Sir Archie was very angry, and he spoke scornfully to Elsalill. "Now, mistress, you shall never go in gold-embroidered shoes through lofty castle halls. Now you may stay in Marstrand all your days and gut herrings. Never shall you wed a man who has castle and lands, Elsalill.

You know better. But you cannot love him?" "Love him? No!" Angelique repeated the denial scornfully. "Love him! I never thought of love and him together! He is not handsome, like your brother Le Gardeur, who is my beau-ideal of a man I could love; nor has the intellect and nobility of Colonel Philibert, who is my model of a heroic man. I could love such men as them.

"How mighty we young gents are all of a sudden. Unless you buy of me sometimes, you shall hear of me again; never fear, young gen'lman." He shouted out the latter words, for Eric had turned scornfully on his heel, and was already in the street. Obviously more danger was to be apprehended from this quarter.