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Bar. In the Art Of Goverment they scornd not once to be soe, Nor you to give me hearing: and if ever 'Twer lawful th' unthanckfull men t'upbraid Unequall benefitts, let it not in me Be now held glorious if I speake my best.

And I must sue to him! be witnes, heaven, If this poore life were forfeyt to his mercy, At such a rate I hold a scornd subjection I would not give a penney to redeeme it. I have liv'd ever free, onely depended Upon the honestie of my faire Actions, Nor am I now to studdy how to die soe." The whole scene is singularly fine and impressive; it shows us Fletcher at his highest.

And I must sue to him! be witnes, heaven, If this poore life were forfeyt to his mercy, At such a rate I hold a scornd subiection I would not give a penney to redeeme it. I have liv'd ever free, onely depended Upon the honestie of my faire Actions, Nor am I now to studdy how to die soe. Bred. Take better thoughts. Bar. They are my first and last, The legacie I leave my friends behind me.

To have your actions consturd, scornd and scoffd at By such malignant soules! you are yourself, Sir, And master of more mindes that love and honour ye. Will. Yf you would see it; but take through the mallice The evill intended now, now bent upon ye. Or. I pray ye, no more; as you love me, no more. Now, frends, Are my Lords the States set yet. 1 Gu. An houre agoe, Sir. Or.

And sodainely this must be don and constantly: The powrs ye hold els wilbe scornd & laughd at, And theis unchristian stroakes be laid to your charge. Bred. We all know how much followed And with what swarmes of love this Mounsieur Barnavelt Is courted all the Cuntry over. Besides, at Leyden We heare how Hogerbeets behaves himself, And how he stirrs the peoples harts against us. Vand.

When I am a Sychophant And a base gleaner from an others favour, As all you are that halt upon his crutches, Shame take that smoothness and that sleeke subjection! But now she is fatt and faire againe and I foold, A new love in hir armes, my doatings scornd at.

Is bound and so far bound: I found hir naked, Floung out a dores and starvd, no frends to pitty hir, The marks of all her miseries upon hir, An orphan State that no eye smild upon: And then how carefully I undertooke hir, How tenderly and lovingly I noursd hir! But now she is fatt and faire againe and I foold, A new love in hir armes, my doatings scornd at.