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"So I hear," said Tom cautiously. "He charges seventy-five cents for each scholar. Some schoolmasters charge a dollar." "Sounds like a lot of money." "Several of the neighbors are fixing to send their young ones," Sarah went on. "Mr. Swaney doesn't ask for cash money. He'll take skins or farm truck. We can manage that, I reckon." Tom yawned. "Plumb foolishness, if you ask me.

With respect to that part of it which is alien, the remedy is easy. There has been great difficulty in procuring proper schoolmasters, I mean such as have been Quakers. Two reasons may be given for this. The first is, that the society having been backward in affording due encouragement to learning, few of any great literary acquisitions have been brought up in it.

"Oh, oh, oh!" cried the young fellow whom they call John, "that is from one of your lectures!" I know it, I replied, I concede it, I confess it, I proclaim it. "The trail of the serpent is over them all!" All lecturers, all professors, all schoolmasters, have ruts and grooves in their minds into which their conversation is perpetually sliding.

Lord, with what care hast thou begirt us round, Parents first season us; then schoolmasters Deliver us to laws; they send us bound To rules of reason, holy messengers, Pulpits and Sundays, sorrow dogging sin, Afflictions sorted, anguish of all sizes, Fine nets and stratagems to catch us in, Bibles laid open, millions of surprises; Blessings beforehand, ties of gratefulness, The sound of Glory ringing in our ears Without, our shame; within, our consciences; Angels and grace, eternal hopes and fears.

"I had no business to read this as I picked it up absolutely no business. Consequently...." "You won't take any notice of it? Really!" "Certainly not," said Mr. Lewisham. Her face lit with a smile, and Mr. Lewisham's relaxed in sympathy. "It is nothing it's the proper thing for me to do, you know." "But so many people won't do it. Schoolmasters are not usually so chivalrous." He was chivalrous!

He looked like one meditating a coup d'etat, or, perhaps, it might better be said, a coup de main, as the hand is with schoolmasters, generally, the instrument of attack. When the proper time arrived, Mr. Smith cleared his throat, as he always did before beginning to speak. "Boys," he said, "I have an important, and I may say, a painful, communication to make to you."

He said, that though the schools were nominally supported by the government, it was rarely that the schoolmasters could obtain their salaries, on which account many had of late resigned their employments. He told me that he had a copy of the New Testament in his possession, which I desired to see, but on examining it I discovered that it was only the epistles by Pereira, with copious notes.

This man is sentenced to six months, that other to twelve months, and then another to fifteen years of penal servitude, according to the discretion of the judge; and instead of being made to pay the price of the sheep and the costs of his prosecution, he becomes a grievous burden to the honest tax-payer, who has to supply him with chaplains, schoolmasters, surgeons, cooks, bakers, tailors, and a whole host of servants in livery to minister to his wants, and so unfit him for the practice of economy, frugality, and other kindred virtues when his fetters are cut.

'Of such is the kingdom. 'Except ye be converted and become like little children, etc. Now this does not refer to innocence; for, as a matter of fact, children are not innocent, as all schoolmasters and nurses know, whatever sentimental poets may say. Innocence is not a qualification for admission to the kingdom.

To explain Homer or Euripides was after all no art; teachers and scholars found their account better in handling the Alexandrian poems, which, besides, were in their spirit far more congenial to the Roman world of that day than the genuine Greek national poetry, and which, if they were not quite so venerable as the Iliad, possessed at any rate an age sufficiently respectable to pass as classics with schoolmasters.