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A generation, at least, will be required to work a change, and this change will come through educating the children through the kindergarten and the kindergarten methods and most of all through school-gardens. The so-called "back districts" are fast being annihilated, for quick transportation is bringing city and country close together.

They used shameful words, and they would shout as they passed his monastery, and disturb the lads at their lessons and the girls at the well. They were not well-behaved. In the Burmese time they would have been punished for all this made to draw so many buckets of water for the school-gardens, or do some road-making, or even be put in the stocks.

He goes back to the ape when his hands have to be cased in gloves and his brain is ashamed of decent labor. In these school-gardens botany will be applied to horticulture. In the shops our boys and girls will learn to create things. The trouble with education now is that it divorces knowledge from work the brains from the hands.

In some of the primary village schools, there are school-gardens, while bee-keeping and silk-worm culture, as well as trades and handiwork, are taught. In 1900, the Ministers contributed 51,062,842 roubles for schools and universities. Since 1874 military service has been obligatory for all men from the age of 21. The Opolchenie is a reserve force of drilled conscripts.