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"You are right, Loysik; you are right." "And do you forget the prophetic vision of that august woman the vision that our ancestor Schanvoch transmitted to us in the narrative of his days, and that our father so often told us of?"

Alas! After nearly two centuries, the gloomy prophecy of the foster sister of our ancestor Schanvoch has been verified. Victoria the Great predicted it but too accurately. Long ago did the Franks pour over our frontier of the Rhine; they have since spread themselves over the whole of Gaul and subjugated the land except our Breton Armorica.

"Schanvoch, another of your ancestors, a brave soldier and foster-brother of Victoria the Great, sang that song " "Yes, Gaul, on that day proud, free and triumphant, had just driven the barbarians from both banks of the Rhine, while, to-day but let us drop that topic, monk; if those days were glorious, the present ones seem to me all the more horrible.

For the rest, his life of a husbandman was neither less peaceful nor less industrious than that of our fathers since the return of Schanvoch to the cradle of our family, after such a very long line of generations, kept away from Armorica by the hard trials and the slavery that followed in the wake of the Roman conquest.

Remember our family legends Margarid, Joel's wife; Meroë, the wife of Albinik the mariner; Ellen, the wife of Schanvoch did they ever exhibit such weakness when their husbands took the field to fight for the freedom of Gaul?" "Alas, no! And Margarid as well as Meroë met death on the battlefield, together with their husbands."

"It is Count Neroweg, whom your father dexterously kidnapped from the very midst of the leudes with the aid of two of his comrades." "Neroweg in our power! In the power of Ronan, Loysik and Karadeucq, the descendants of Schanvoch! Heaven and earth!" "Hello, old Karadeucq, come this way Ronan will not believe that we kidnapped the Frankish wild-boar."

And addressing Loysik, Ronan added: "Brother, fate sends to us a descendant of that family of Neroweg, whom our ancestor Schanvoch fought two centuries ago on the borders of the Rhine. I wish to kill that barbarian, rid Gaul of him, and protect our own family from the peril of his descendants " "Kill me!" murmured Odille, falling on her knees before the Vagre and clasping her hands.

Wait a moment, my son; be not in a hurry to believe that your old father has fallen into his second infancy. Listen, and you will discover how it is that I have at once too much and not enough to write upon. As to what concerns my own life, being an old husbandman, I have been in the same predicament as my ancestors since Schanvoch there never was sufficient matter for me to write about.

The two stepped into one of the chambers of the house. On a table lay a small iron coffer, the gift of Victoria the Great to Schanvoch. Kervan took from the coffer the gold sickle of Hena, the Virgin of the Isle of Sen, the little brass bell left by Guilhern, Sylvest's iron collar, Genevieve's silver cross and the casque's lark of Victoria the Great.