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Scareman, to whom Emily my dear, unfortunate girl, had the misfortune to get married. He was a dark-faced, but handsome man that is to say, he could bear a first glance or two, but was incapable of standing anything like a close scrutiny.

"And it's all right," replied the other. "Well, as I was going to say, that Mrs. Mainwaring is breakin' her heart about this unforthunate marriage of her daughter to Scareman. It seems but this is between ourselves it seems, my dear, that he's a dark, hard-hearted scrub, that 'id go to hell or farther for a shillin', for a penny, ay, or for a farden.

"Well, my dear," proceeded Alley, "you must know that Mrs. Scareman before her marriage of course, she was then Miss Norton acted in the kippacity of tutherer general to Lady Lucy, except durin' three months that she was ill, and had to go to England to thry the wathers." "What wathers?" asked Nancy. "Haven't we plenty o' wather, an' as good as they have, at home?"

I understand that Docthor Scareman isn't likely to have a family. Now, ahagur, if you spake, I'm done, that's all." Having been then called away to make arrangements necessary to Lucy's. comfort, their dialogue was terminated before she could worm out of Alley the cause of her mistress's visit. "She's a cunnin' ould hag," said the latter, when the other had gone.

"His name is Scareman, my misthress tells me he's related by the mother's side to the Moontides of Ballycrazy, in the barony of Quarther Clift arrah, what's this your name is, avourneen?"