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"If the old chap had been done for I'd have felt like making for the river, myself. Funny, now the scare is over and he is all safe, I shall probably cuss him out as hard as ever next time he tries to preach at me." "You had better listen to him instead. Larry is apt to be right and you are apt to be wrong, and you know it."

"The one about Peter Pan," said Henrietta. "No! Tell us a new one about the piruts," cried Wilberforce. "A ghost story, 'Lissie," chimed in Harold, aged five. "Scare me good and hard, so's I can sleep with Freddy to-night." "It's not the right kind of a night for a ghost story," said Melissa, her eyes going over the group with a strange, sweet compassion in their depths.

"They want to scare me to make me pay up," he said to himself. "They are afraid they won't get it. I'll pay the little two or three dollars and that will end the matter. These blamed Germans with their ten cents and twenty-five cents! What a system of government to be bothering with these idiotic trifles!"

It began abruptly, too: "DEAR FRIEND: My heart aches for you. From the time I first saw you in the jail I have carried your face in my mind. I can't quite analyze my feeling for you now. You are so different from the boy I knew. I think I am a little afraid of you, you scare me a little. You are of another world, a strange world of which I would like to hear.

"We're sorry to have given you a scare," said Blake, and then the incident was over, and the crowd in the street dispersed on learning there was to be no sensation. "Say, I think there's some sort of hoodoo about us," remarked Joe, as he and Blake sat in their room. "Why, you're not going to come any of that gloomy C. C. business on me; are you?" asked Blake. "Not at all," went on his chum.

Oh, women can't preach or be elders; but they can build churches and scare up the money for them." "The Methodists allow women to preach," said Captain Jim. Miss Cornelia glared at him. "I never said the Methodists hadn't common sense, Captain. What I say is, I doubt if they have much religion." "I suppose you are in favor of votes for women, Miss Cornelia," said Gilbert.

I felt, on looking at them, as I did when I followed the slip of a girl who conducted us in the Temple, that ancient building in the heart of London. The long-enduring monuments of the dead do so mock the fleeting presence of the living! Is n't this book enough to scare any of you? I said, as Delilah dumped it down upon the table. The teacups jumped from their saucers as it thumped on the board.

He opened the door a little wider, and looked critically at Mr. Vane. "It's nothing but a spell," Hilary insisted. "I've had 'em before. I suppose it's natural that they should scare the women-folks some." "What kind of a spell was it, Mr. Vane?" asked the doctor. "It isn't worth talking about," said Hilary. "You might as well pick up that case of yours and go home again.

I'm going to take the old-musket; you take the bat. "'The gun isn't loaded, said Fred; and his voice actually trembled. Whether he was shivering from cold or fright, I don't know. "'It will scare him just the same, said Al; and taking down the rusty firearm, he hurried out into the hall, followed at a little distance by his brother, armed with the base-ball bat.

"Auntie, I don't believe Tom ever killed Al's sheep," declared Dale, positively. "Wal, Al thinks so, an' many other people," replied Mrs. Cass, shaking her gray head doubtfully. "You never swore he didn't. An' there was them two sheep-herders who did swear they seen him." "They only saw a cougar. An' they were so scared they ran." "Who wouldn't? Thet big beast is enough to scare any one.