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You will find in it the necessary journey expenses to Trieste, and probably as much as what you owe to Scaramelli. At Trieste you will find a letter which gives you further directions. And now we will part one to the right, and the other to the left." Theodor's hand shook as he received the pocket-book. Michael lifted his pierced hat from the ground.

I should have come from the ends of the earth for such a day as this. Here I am, with all the warmth of my loving heart; but people can not live on love alone. It is true I get good pay from Signor Scaramelli, but that goes to the splendid furniture of my house in Trieste. You must give me something with Noémi, so that she may make an appearance consistent with her rank.

"In the side of this tomb near the wall of Sacristy, you see the urn that encloses the ashes of Martin I.," "who was traitorously killed on the 17th of October 1277 by Scaramello of the Scaramelli, who wished to revenge the honor of a young lady of his family."

"He turns out sea-going vessels," said Theodor, casting a contemptuous look at Timar. "He is not merely a barge-builder and for that matter his name is Signor Scaramelli." Timar was silent. He did not care to let out that he himself was having a large vessel built for the ocean trade by Scaramelli. "I am just rolling in money!" bragged Theodor. "Millions and millions pass through my hands.

"Let me show you," said in his turn M. Bruno, "guides wisely marked out for the soul which escapes from itself, and will attempt to climb the eternal mountains," and he handed to Durtal the "Lucerna Mystica" of Lopez Ezquerra, the quartos of Scaramelli, the volumes of Schram, the "Christian Asceticism" of Ribet, the "Principles of Mystic Theology" of Father Seraphin.

The whole enterprise was in Scaramelli's name; Timar had his reasons for keeping his own name out of it; and he only communicated in writing with the fully empowered firm of Scaramelli. One day he received a letter from Theodor Krisstyan. When he opened it he was surprised to find money in it a hundred gulden note. The contents of the letter ran thus

Why, said I to Signor Scaramelli, should I travel to Brazil when we have plenty of wood close by even better than that of Brazil? I know an island in the middle of the Danube which is provided with a virgin forest, and where grow splendid trees, which can compete with those of South America." "I thought so," murmured Therese to herself.

"And now, my dear lady, I will tell you what I have come about." Therese looked at him with anxious distrust. "Now I will make you all happy you, as well as Noémi and myself. And besides, I can do Signor Scaramelli a good turn. That's enough for me. Says Scaramelli to me one day, 'Friend Krisstyan, I say, you will have to go off to Brazil." "If only you were there now!" sighed Therese.

In philosophy, Cominbricenses, Liberatore. In moral philosophy, Busenbaum, Gury, Toledo, Ballerini, Layman, Lehmkuhl, Genicot. In asceticism, Alvarez de Paz, Gaudier, Rodriguez, Scaramelli, Grou. The Spiritual Exercises comprise a whole library. Father Watragan has written a work merely to record the editions and commentaries on these Exercises. St.

"And those too you would cut down and sell to Signor Scaramelli?" asked Frau Therese, quietly. "We shall get a mint of money for them; at least ten gulden for each tree. Signor Scaramelli has given me carte blanche. He has left me free to make a contract with you. I have it in my pocket; you have only to sign and our fortune is made.