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About midday we came to level country around the headwaters of the creek, and there were four Potawatami skinning buffaloes. They had bunched up their horses and tied them to a tree while they cut up the kill. Red Morning said for us to run off the horses, and that would be almost as good as a scalp-taking. We left our ponies in the ravine and wriggled through the long grass.

Buffalo Bill was "starring it" with his theatrical company through the States that spring, playing some blood-curdling, scalp-taking; hair-raising border drama which all boys eager strove to see, and when his old chum and comrade, the captain, went to call on him at his hotel, the great chief of scouts would not rest until together they had gone to see his friends "the boys."

For even the football colleges disapprove of the art of scalp-taking in their curriculums. "It is ten o'clock next day when John Tom wakes up and looks around. I am glad to see the nineteenth century in his eyes again. "'What was it, Jeff? he asks. "'Heap firewater, says I. "John Tom frowns, and thinks a little.

"That's the medicine!" he cried. "I wonder how you like that, you Butlers an' Johnsons an' Wyatts an' Mohawks an' all the rest o' your scalp-taking crew! Ah, thar goes another! This ain't any Wyomin'!" The three-pounders also opened fire, and sent their balls squarely into the rifle pits and the Indian camp.