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"The earth, according to Apuleius, in his 'Treatise on the Philosophy of Plato, was produced from right-angled triangles; but fire and air from the scalene triangle, the angles of which, I need not say, are very different from those of a right-angled triangle.

Happily Jack's scalene triangle, being more produced from air than from fire, does not give to his philanthropy the inflammatory character which distinguishes the benevolence of inquisitors and revolutionists.

A. Three, the same as the other. Q. Are there any other kind of isoceles triangles? A. Yes, there are right-angled and obtuse-angled. Scalene Triangle. Q. What is this? A. An acute-angled scalene triangle. Q. Why is it called an acute-angled scalene triangle? A. Because all its angles are acute, and its sides are not equal. Q. Why is it called scalene? A. Because it has all its sides unequal.

Well, my father was quite right in his milder estimate of Jack's scalene conformation, and it is hard to judge of a man when he is needy and down in the world. When one grafts one's ideas on one's neighbor's money, they are certainly not so grand as when they spring from one's own.

Having continued this examination for about half an hour, we proceeded to enter into particulars respecting triangles; and having discoursed on the difference between isosceles triangles and scalene triangles, I observed that an acute isosceles triangle had all its angles acute, and proceeded to observe that a right-angled scalene triangle had all its angles acute.

Jack's is not of that quality. He is a scalene triangle. He is not a circle! So the discussion was dropped; and in the mean while, Uncle Jack, like the short-faced gentleman in the "Spectator," "distinguished himself by a profound silence."

Pisistratus. "Sir, I am very happy to hear so simple, easy, and intelligible an explanation of Uncle Jack's peculiarities; and I only hope that, for the future, the sides of his scalene triangle may never be produced to our rectangular conformations." Mr. Pisistratus. "Perfectly true, sir; but Uncle Jack makes it his business to be always sinking!" Mr.

A. No; it must be either an isoceles or a scalene triangle. Square. Q. What is this? A. A square. Q. Why is it called a square? A. Because all its angles are right angles, and its sides are equal. Q. How many angles has it? A. Four angles. Q. What would it make if we draw a line from one angle to the opposite one? A. Two right-angled isoceles triangles.

Well, my father was quite right in his milder estimate of Jack's scalene conformation, and it is hard to judge of a man when he is needy and down in the world. When one grafts one's ideas on one's neighbor's money, they are certainly not so grand as when they spring from one's own.

Minns found himself opposite a yellow brick house with a green door, brass knocker, and door-plate, green window-frames and ditto railings, with ‘a garden’ in front, that is to say, a small loose bit of gravelled ground, with one round and two scalene triangular beds, containing a fir-tree, twenty or thirty bulbs, and an unlimited number of marigolds. The taste of Mr. and Mrs.