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With the mysterious psychological phenomena denominated by those who profess to know them best, “clairvoyant manifestations,” Johannes had nothing to do, and was content, as every one of the uninitiated must perforce be, to accept the say-so of the spiritualistic journals that there are such phenomena and that they are unexplained and mysterious.

This man spent more waking hours with Justin than she did knew him, perhaps, in a sense, better. He went on now, with a tremor in his voice: "Mrs. Alexander, your husband and I have worked together for a year and a half now, with never a word between us. I'm ready to swear by him any moment, if I've got him to swear by. I'll back him up in anything, no matter what, if it's his say-so.

A couple of other punchers had dropped up to the chuck wagon, casually as it were. Warren glared at them savagely, but swallowed his rage. "It's yore say-so right now, but I'll collect what's comin' to me one of these days. You're liable to find this trail hotter 'n hell with the lid on." "I'm not lookin' for trouble, but I'm not runnin' away from it," returned Webb evenly.

If I hadn't bin blind, an' some of 'em half-way human to'ards a man with his lights out, I'd never have raised it. I'd have got here someways, matey, if I'd had to walk, but I'd have got here a bit late. Then I'd have had to wait till Simms got back ag'in an' mebbe starved to death. "But I'm here an' I've got some say-so. One thing, you're goin' to git Bergstrom's share.

"I'm not going to go buttin' in where I'm not wanted any more than you would, Jim. I'll play this hand out with a cool head, but I'm going to play it my ownself." "All right. It's your say-so. I'll admit you've got a claim. But you want to remember one thing if anything happens to you I cayn't square it with Phyl. Go slow, boy!"

"I have no authority to give their names, Mr. Parker." "What authority do you need? They will tell me, won't they?" "They may, and they may not. One man has already lost his job; not every man cares to lose his job." "You expect me to go up there on your bare say-so?" "I offer you more than my say-so. I offer an affidavit." "But what do I know about you?"

"Your friend Perkins talked a lot. But what's the difference? Cariboo Meadows is only a fleabite. If you're right, and you know you're right, you can look the world in the eye and tell it collectively to go to the devil. Besides, you've got a perverted idea. People aren't so ready to give you the bad eye on somebody else's say-so.

Steve smiled; by wagon road his grandfather's ranch home was fifty miles to the northward. "You won't think of going back before noon." "Won't I? But I will, though, son; Blenham's sticking aroun', waitin' for my say-so what he'll do nex'." He snapped open a big watch and stared at it a moment with pursed lips. "I'll be back home in jus' one hour an' a half.

He meant to keep out of it if he could. "Last fellow that licked me hauled me down off'n my bronc, Mr. Houck," Dud answered, laughing. "No, sir. We got to turn down that invite to a whalin'. The boss gave us our orders straight. No trouble a-tall. I expect if it was our own say-so we might accommodate you. But not the way things are." "No guts, either of you.

"You ain't wuth nothing but to eat vittles and wear out clothes." "Well," I says, "I figger I earn my vittles and a good 'eal more. And as fur as clothes goes, I never had none but what Elmira made out'n yourn." "Who brung you up?" asts Hank. "You done it," says I, "and by your own say-so you done a dern poor job at it."