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He's got no sail and canna be twenty mile awa'. I'll pick him up before he gets to Milli Lagoon, which is only saxty miles from here." Packenham swore. "You infernal ass! Are you going to sea in a breeze like this by yourself? Where's your crew?" "The deevils wadna' come wi' me to look for a Papist. And I'm not going to let the auld fule perish."

What wud the loikes of ye work for Misther Hicks for?" Swanson's impassive face remained imperturbable; he stroked the moustaches dangling over the corners of his dejected mouth. "Two tollar saxty cint." Mike glared at him, and then at the girl, his own lips puckering. "Bedad, Oi belave the poor cr'ater do n't know anny betther.

M'Adam, for a wunnerfu' story of a wunnerfu' tyke?" he asked. "It's a gude tale, a vera gude tale," the little man answered dreamily. "And James Moore didna invent it; he had it from the Christmas number o' the Flock-keeper in saxty." To his amazement he found the little man was right. There was the story almost identically.

"Aye never ban licked yet," he added reminiscently. "When we cabled we were sending a man to relieve him," Cappy complained, "he replied, telling us to insure his successor's life, because he was going to throw him overboard the minute he arrived." All Hands And Feet swept away any lingering fears Cappy might chance to be entertaining. "Aye ban weigh two hundret an' saxty pounds," he announced.

Traill suddenly had a terrible "cauld in 'is heid," that made his eyes water. "Hoo auld are ye?" "Five, gangin' on sax." "Losh! I thoucht ye war fifty, gangin' on saxty." Laughter saved the day from overmoist emotions. And presently Mr. Traill was able to say in a business-like tone: "We'll hae to tak' ye to the infirmary.

Ay, an impressive sicht. It was yestreen." "Is there a great difference in their ages?" "As muckle as atween auld Peter Spens and his wife, wha was saxteen when he was saxty, and she was playing at dumps in the street when her man was waiting for her to make his porridge. Ay, sic a differ doesna suit wi' common folk, but of course earls can please themsels.

"Na, na; I've nae incleenation the day; it's an awfu' dispensation this, Jeems. She wud be barely saxty." "Ay, ay, but we maun keep up the body sae lang as we're here, Tammas." "Weel, puttin' it that way, a'm not sayin' but yir richt," yielding unwillingly to the force of circumstance. "We're here the day and there the morn, Tammas.

"Na, whare was the through-stane, that it didna come before our een till e'enow?" said Ochiltree; "for I hae ken'd this auld kirk, man and bairn, for saxty lang years, and I neer noticed it afore; and it's nae sic mote neither, but what ane might see it in their parritch."

Work! why, Oi 'm dommed if a green Swade did n't fall the full length of the shaft one day, an' whin we wint over to pick him up, what was it ye think the poor haythen said? He opened his oies an' asked, 'Is the boss mad? afeared he 'd lose his job! An' so ye was workin' for a thafe, was ye? An' what for?" "Two tollar saxty cint."

"Here's the bit dog I was tellin' ye aboot; an' see for yersel' what he's done noo." "The wee beastie couldna do a' that! It's as muckle as his ain wecht in fou' vermin!" she cried. "Ay, he did. Thae terriers are sperity, by the ordinar'. Ane o' them, let into the corn exchange a murky nicht, killed saxty in ten meenits, an' had to be dragged awa' by the tail.