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The two gazed once more at the hideous, streaked, and grimed faces of each other, and then laughed wildly. A wounded Seneca sitting with his back against the wall began to chant a low, wailing death song. "Shut up! Stop that infernal noise!" exclaimed Wyatt savagely. The Seneca stared at him with fixed, glassy eyes and continued his chant. Wyatt turned away, but that song was upon his nerves.

He was a close reader of human nature and had read Baxter's character as if it was an open book. "What do you mean?" "We gitta dem people into trouble maka big lot of money." "All right I'll do anything," answered Baxter savagely. "So they said I ought to be in jail, eh? I'll fix 'em yet!" "You helpa me, I helpa you," went on the wily French native.

"What were you doing just now," said he savagely, "by that soldier's bedside?" "That soldier? He is a dying man, Preston." "Let him die!" he cried. "What is that to you? You are Daisy Randolph. Do you remember whose daughter you are? You making a spectacle of yourself, for a hundred to look at!" But this shot quite overreached its mark. Preston saw it had not touched me.

"Here, shut up," said Sam savagely. "I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to think about it! D'ye hear? He was the grandest fellow that ever was, was Mr. Lyne, God bless him! Oh, my God! My God!" he wailed, and to the detective's surprise this hardened criminal buried his face in his hands. "That's all right, Sam. I know he was a nice fellow.

As under-foreman of the ranch he regarded himself as spokesman. And at that instant catching sight of the rope, he swore savagely under his breath. "Nothing, Tom; nothing now," responded Mr. Ferris. "They was going to hang my friend there, Mr. Hopalong Cassidy, of the Bar-20. He's the feller that lent me his cayuse to get home on when Molly was sick.

Douglass caught the blue gleam of polished steel in the moonlight just above Coogan's neck, heard the soft thud of a well-driven blow; he gave a great cry of warning but it fell upon unheeding ears. The man, releasing his hold upon the horse, staggered blindly about, thrusting savagely at random, a queer bubbling cry welling from his lips.

We were still thus engaged when Simpson came up through the companion, dripping wet, glowering savagely, and muttering to himself. "Well, Chips," said I, "what is the best news from below?" "Bad, sir; pretty nigh as bad as can be," answered the carpenter.

"I'm not a blessed mendicant," said Kettle stiffly, "and as for the Board of Trade, they can stick their binoculars up their trousers." He walked to the other end of the bridge, and stood there chewing savagely at the butt end of his cigar. "Rum bloke," commented the pilot to himself, though aloud he offered no comment, being a man whose business it was to keep on good terms with everybody.

At the sound of the scraping runners, West whirled. He lunged savagely. Even as Tom ducked, a sharp pain shot through his leg from the force of the glancing blow. The axe-head swung like a circle of steel. It struck the convict's fur cap. The fellow went down like an ox in a slaughter-house. Tom took one look at him and ran to his friend. Beresford was a sorry sight.

Whirling upon his adversary, he grappled him in his long arms, hugging like a grizzly, and shouting: "You, Gid Himes, wha'r's my specimens?" He shook the stranger savagely. "You an' Shade Buckheath you p'ar o' scoundrels give me back my silver specimens! Give me back my silver ore that shows about the mine for my little gal." "Uncle Pros!